Trident DOC690 2022 November Complete Course Latest (Full)
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal

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Module 1 Discussion
DSP Development Strategies
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
What have been your greatest challenges and learning experiences while you have developed the draft chapters of your DSP prospectus (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)?
Now that the DOC courses are strictly focused on the DSP, what are some strategies you will use to make sure you stay on target for DSP completion?
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 200-word (total) reply about their Primary Task Response addressing the 2 parts of the DB.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 2 Discussion
Understanding Research Methods and Research Problems
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss the following points regarding your expected research method:
State your expected research method (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) and explain your rationale for choosing this method for your DSP.
Discuss how this method will allow you to collect data that addresses your business research problem.
How will you ensure integrity and credibility of your data using this research method?
Discuss how you have employed your expected research method either in your educational pursuits or on the job.
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions: What did you learn from your classmate’s posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting? What clarification do you need regarding the posting? What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 3 Discussion
Understanding the Development of Chapter 1 Introduction
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Utilizing the DSP Dissertation Template in the Resources section of MyTLC, complete the following:
Identify at least 3 of the mandatory sections in Chapter 1 of a dissertation, focusing on the sections you have not yet addressed, or addressed the least, since beginning the program or crystalizing your research topic.
Which of the 3 do you feel will be the most difficult for you? Why? What steps must you take to effectively complete the sections that you perceive to be challenging?
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 4 Discussion
Understanding the Peer-Review Process and Quality Assurance in Academia
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Quality assurance is a holistic approach covering all the processes in academic research, in order to serve the students and other stakeholders in expected quality standards. The success of a quality assurance system depends on the support of academicians and the supporting academic institution.
Keeping this in mind, using at least two scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journal articles, make an argument for the peer-review manuscript process as a form of quality assurance in academia. Also point out within the position statement why garnering supporting and differing viewpoints of one’s scholarly writing helps aid in the overall research and discovery process of writing.
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 5 Discussion
Next Steps within the DSP Proposal Process
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Focus on the following: Create a plan (make it your own), outlining your timely completion of the DSP and the DBA program, postdoctoral research, and life goals related to how you will apply your doctoral education. The plan should include target dates and reflect your goals and how you will meet your most desirable objectives for the near future.
Responses to Other Students: Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions: What did you learn from your classmate’s posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting? What clarification do you need regarding the posting? What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 6 Discussion
What did you like most about this course and what would you like changed?
Discuss how this course has helped you in the dissertation process.
This is a graded assignment.
After responding to the Reflective Discussion above, please complete an anonymous Course Evaluation Survey. Instructors are not able to view course evaluation reports until after the grade submission period is over. Thank you for your feedback.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 1 Case
Case Assignment
The Annotated Bibliography
Prepare a draft annotated bibliography. Select a topic, preferably one of your established topic areas you may pursue for your DSP. Select 10 articles for the bibliography. The bibliography must have 10 entries critically analyzed, to include the following:
Author’s abstract
Your version of an abstract
Strengths and weaknesses of each article
Assignment Expectations
Students should demonstrate their understanding of an annotated bibliography and the important role it plays in their DSP. They also should have at least 10 articles correctly formatted and analyzed with the author’s abstract, their version of the abstract, and strengths and weaknesses of each article.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 1 SLP
Please revise and submit your Literature Review – Chapter 2. If you have not already done so, insert it into the current version of the DSP template available under the Forms & Templates tab of the DBA Doctoral Resources guide.
Remember, your Literature Review should demonstrate your mastery of the literature and include the following key items:
Chapter Introduction
Briefly introduce the major components of the research study being examined. This should include reference to your two theories or models being used as the literary foundation.
Provide an explanation of how the literature was researched, to include keywords used, specific databases used, and the types of publications used.
Organizational Analysis and Benchmarking
Provide comparison of the organization within its industry. This should also include an explanation of internal and/or external benchmarks used by the organization and industry as a means for comparison or tracking progress. Industry analysis resources relevant to your organization may be available in IBISWorld.
Topics and Subtopics
This should be the bulk of the chapter. This is an organized list of the major components within the conceptual and theoretical frameworks, as well as the key issues relevant to the business problem being evaluated in your study. Students should expect to continue refining these topics and subtopics until final proposal approval in DOC700.
Present historical research as well as research related to the topic of study within the past 5 years. Include appropriate scholarly source citations for each assertion. Ensure the discussion has depth and presents a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature that provides a context for the Doctoral study. Discuss conflicting findings and/or theoretical positions causing intellectual tension in the field. Ensure the discussion is comprehensive, organized, and flows logically.
Methods and Design Literature
Explain empirical studies (those where authors conducted research studies) relevant to your topic or that utilized similar methods and designs related to your proposed study. This provides a foundational rationale for determining why you believe your chosen method and design will be beneficial to your study topic. The rationale may be complementary (similar to your method/design) or contrasting (stating that your method/design has not been used to examine this topic previously). Provide at least three empirical references that describe methods, designs, and the instruments used for data collection.
Note: This is NOT an explanation of your method and design. It is focused solely on prior research to show your reader that you understand prior research as rationale for your drafted Chapter 3.
Chapter Summary
Provide a recap of the major concepts and theories used as the foundation of your literature review. Summary should briefly transition the reader to the next chapter of the DSP.
SLP Assignment Expectations
SLP submission must be in the required DSP Template.
30-40 pages in length is required for final Chapter 2 draft in DOC700.
Students are expected to have a minimum of 15 pages completed in Chapter 2 for this assignment. At least 20-30 pages is required in the final Chapter 2 draft in Module 5 SLP.
50+ references is expected for the final DSP proposal draft in DOC700.
Conforms to all structural, grammatical, and APA 7th edition conventions.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 2 Case
Case Assignment
Development and Refinement of Research Problem and Research Questions
Make sure to include your research question as a preface to your response so that the readers can connect your responses with the intent of your research.
Note: This is a great time to review existing dissertations in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. Remember, not all dissertations will be of equal quality, nor will all dissertations follow the same format as you are expected to follow. This means you will want to look at multiple dissertations, especially those from schools similar to ours.
Also note that your responses below are an exercise designed to get you going in the right direction for the construction of your methods chapter. You will need to wordsmith and refine your responses to this case assignment so that you present a coherent narrative in Chapter Three, and conform to the DSP template.
Guiding Questions for the Development of Chapter Three—Methods Your response(s)
Total word count for this material should be between 2000 and 2500 words.
Make sure to include a literature supported rationale for the choices you’ve made (remember, you should be using literature written by experts in the method(s) you’re selecting.
Total word count for this material should be between 2000 and 2500 words.
1.What research tradition is most appropriate for your selected method(s)? Please explain why this tradition is most appropriate.
2. Based on the selected research tradition, what specific methods will you employ? Explain your reasoning for this choice.
3. What is the population for your proposed research? (Describe your specific population, citing at least three characteristics.) How many people are in this population (you may offer an approximation).
4. Based on your population and conventions found in the literature, what is the appropriate sample size for your research? Please justify your sample size and utilize citations.
5. What is the sampling procedure you will use? (Rationale and citations required.)
6. What permissions must you obtain in writing before your research is conducted (esp. for research within your organization or an organization)? If you do NOT need permissions, please explain why.
7. What instruments will be used in your research? (Please include the instrument for gathering data – e.g. survey, interview protocol, other)
8. Specifically, how will you ensure trustworthiness & credibility (Qual)? This response requires a practical discussion supported by literature, NOT a theoretical discussion.
Assignment Expectations
Students present comprehensive answers inserted in the table provided, addressing the topics found in Chapter Three. Practical discussions should be supported by literature. (Not acceptable to simply share a theoretical discussion.)
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 2 SLP
Please revise and submit your Methodology and Design – Chapter 3. If you have not already done so, insert it into the current version of the DSP template available under the Forms & Templates tab of the DBA Doctoral Resources guide.
Remember, your Method and Design chapter should demonstrate your mastery of the required components of your DSP study and include the following key items:
hapter Introduction
Briefly introduce the major components of the research study design.
Method and Design
Introduce and provide rationale for the key decisions in the methodology and design choices made for your DSP study. This should also explain why your choice was made over other available options.
Provide a description of the population (as appropriate), estimated population size and relevant characteristics with appropriate support. Depending on the study design, populations may reflect a group of people, a set of organizations, a set of documents, archived data, etc. Describe why the population is appropriate to respond to the study problem and purpose.
Identify the sampling method and explain selection of participants or relevant sample, including known population characteristics and recruitment or selection strategy. Describe and justify the sampling method (convenient, purposive, random, etc.) and minimum sample size (include sample size in total and as a breakdown between the sources of data that utilize participants; minimum sample size should be at least 15 participants total, combined from all sources.
Note: The instruments do not need to be created prior to the Prospectus Presentation. All instruments must be created prior to the Proposal Defense in DOC700.
A minimum of three data sources is required for the DSP; two sources must be primary sources (interview protocol, questionnaire, focus group protocol, observation protocol, etc.). Place the description of instruments in the sequential order that data will be collected. This section is an explanation of the physical instruments and how they were created. This section should NOT provide any explanation about the process of data collection with the instruments.
Data Collection
Note: This section will only need to briefly explain the three processes prior to the Prospectus Presentation. All details must be provided prior to the Proposal Defense in DOC700.
Describe the collection procedure in a sequential step-by-step explanation. Provide specific details relative to the execution of the design. The collection process should also explain how participants will be recruited and how the informed consent form was completed by the participants prior to collecting data. It is recommended to use a subheading for each instrument/source of data to ensure the collection of each is adequately defined. Readers must be able to replicate the study based on this description. This includes the procedure for accessing and retrieving secondary data if used as a source in your study.
Data Processing
Describe how data will be processed following the collection procedures. This should include steps for transcription of audio files, either through a professional, available software, or manual transcribing (which is very time consuming). This section must also explain the procedures for storing and protecting the raw data, both physical and electronic, until and throughout data analysis and final reporting.
Data Analysis
Note: This section will only need to briefly explain the process prior to the Prospectus Presentation. All details must be provided prior to the Proposal Defense in DOC700.
Describe the data analysis procedures in enough detail so that it could be replicated. Describe the steps that will be taken to carry out the analysis. Describe the method for storing and categorizing data. This may include the use of electronic software used for analysis. Each source of data may have a different analysis process (if so, use separate subheadings for each source of data). Analysis procedures should follow a procedure found in the literature and be cited. Explain how the author of the published analysis procedure explains each step and then explain how you will implement each step.
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations
These three sections will examine the areas within the study that may provide overall boundaries to your study. Most details in these sections may not be known until the full proposal has been prepared in DOC700.
Ethical Assurances
Note: This section will only need to briefly explain each concept prior to the Prospectus Presentation. All details must be provided prior to the Proposal Defense in DOC700.
Discuss compliance with the standards for conducting research as appropriate to the proposed research design. For most studies, this should include an explanation of: Letter of Intent or Site Approvals, IRB Approval requirements, Informed Consent process, Participant Protections, Data Protections, and Bias Mitigation.
Chapter Summary
Provide a recap of the major concepts and theories used as the foundation of your literature review. Summary should briefly transition the reader to the next chapter of the DSP.
SLP Assignment Expectations
SLP submission must be in the required DSP Template.
Students should use the required section headings and provide 1 or 2 paragraphs per section to show base knowledge of the design components of their DSP study.
The final DSP proposal draft in DOC700 will require all details of the Method and Design Chapter to be completed and explained in a replicable manner.
Conforms to all structural, grammatical, and APA 7th edition conventions.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 3 Case
Case Assignment
Methods Exploration
Although you won’t solidify your research design until you’ve completed the work involved in developing a great Literature Review, there are some key elements you can begin to determine now. One of the first things you need to think through is “Based on your exploration of your topic in the literature so far, where does your proposed research fall on the continuum of Exploratory to Mature research?”
Please review the following article:
Edmondson, A. C. & McManus, S. E. (2007). Methodological fit in management field research. Academy of Management Review, 32(4), 1155-1179.
Assignment Expectations
Based on your review of the article above, what are the indicators that your research and selected methods are relevant to your DSP topic?
Based on your applied research topic, which research methodology (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) is appropriate for conducting your proposed study? Which research design (case study, action research, process improvement, etc.) is appropriate for conducting your proposed study? Please explain why this methodology and design was selected and relate your explanation back to the proposed study.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 3 SLP
Please revise and submit your Introduction – Chapter 1. If you have not already done so, insert it into the current version of the DSP template available under the Forms & Templates tab of the DBA Doctoral Resources guide.
Remember, your Introduction chapter should provide a brief overview of the components of your DSP study and include the following key items:
Chapter Introduction
Briefly introduce the overall idea of your DSP research study and the study design components. The final draft of this chapter will introduce all 5 chapters of the DSP.
Present an overview of why this research topic is currently of interest. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background leading up to the study problem and purpose. Focus on the area of research interest, briefly laying the groundwork for what has been done in the area and why the area is of important social or practical concern, or of theoretical interest.
Statement of the Problem
Articulation of a concise problem statement is the key to a successful proposal/Doctoral Study Project manuscript and typically requires many revisions before the proposal is approved. The problem statement is a brief discussion of a problem or observation succinctly identifying and documenting the need for and importance of the study. Clearly describe and document the problem that prompted the study.
Note: The problem statement must align to the language of the purpose statement and research questions. Terminology used must also align to the method and design chosen.
Purpose of the Study
Ensure that the purpose is a logical, explicit research response to the stated problem. This problem should be substantiated with a “gap” that can be cited from the literature or from the organization.
Note: The purpose statement must align to the language of the problem statement and research questions. Terminology used must also align to the method and design chosen.
Conceptual Framework
Identify and articulate the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the proposed study based on a review of the relevant literature. A graphic representation of the framework is useful but not required.
Note: This framework should represent the key concepts and theories/models used in the literature review in Chapter 2.
Research Questions
Ensure that the Research Questions directly align with the stated purpose and that the methodology and design chosen corresponds with the research questions. Qualitative research questions must be open-ended. A minimum of one research question is required.
Note: Mixed methods studies may also require applicable hypotheses to be explained here.
Method and Design Overview
Discuss the proposed research method (qualitative or mixed methods) first. Then discuss the proposed research design (case study, action research, process improvement, etc.). Discussion is not simply a listing and description of the chosen research design; rather, elaboration demonstrates how the proposed method and design accomplish the study goals, why the design is the optimum choice for the proposed research, and how the method aligns with the purpose and research questions. Provide a brief discussion of the proposed study design, data collection instruments, and data analysis procedures.
Demonstrate why the study is important and describe the contribution(s) to the field of study. This section should reflect the need for the study and the benefits of an answer to the proposed study purpose and research questions.
Key Terms
This section should be organized in dictionary format; alphabetize terms, provide a brief definition from the literature, and cite each definition. Terms should be important concepts related to the topic and concepts that would not be known by a layperson reader.
Five to 10 key terms are expected.
Chapter Summary
Provide a recap of the major components of the DSP study topic and study design. Summary should briefly transition the reader to the next chapter of the DSP.
SLP Assignment Expectations
SLP submission must be in the required DSP Template.
Students should use the required section headings and provide 1 or 2 paragraphs per section to show base knowledge of the required components of their DSP study.
The final DSP proposal draft in DOC700 will require all details of the Introduction Chapter to be completed.
Conforms to all structural, grammatical, and APA 7th edition conventions.
DOC690 Doctoral Study Proposal
Module 4 Case
Assignment Overview
Within Module Case 4 you will conduct a peer-review of a fellow classmate’s DSP prospectus (Chapters 1-3). The Peer Review Process is an essential activity within the academic community. The process assists in the quality assurance and a formal/critical review of scholarly writing and research. The peer-review process also allows for additional viewpoints and critiques of one’s academic work to aid and assist within the editing and content continuous improvement of one’s scholarly writing.
Case Assignment
It is very important that you provide the author with constructive criticism and structure on improving the DSP prospectus. In your review it is essential to know what specific changes you would like to see based on the peer-review template that is provided. It is not enough to just point out potential problems with the proposed study. Highlight the problematic areas that you feel are critical and must be addressed. Where possible, provide suggestions or references on how to overcome these obstacles.
Provide review feedback of your assigned peer-DSP prospectus based on the following areas:
Conceptual Significance
The work represents an important contribution to knowledge. It extends or challenges present causal assumptions in the IS theory or knowledge base. It uses theories from IS or reference disciplines to explain the relationships among variables in the study. Ties to relevant literature are clear as is the thrust of the central argument. The work explicates underlying assumptions well and provides direction for extending or improving on the present research.
Practical Significance
The work contributes to our understanding of current technological and organizational problems or challenges faced by IS or other practitioners. In presenting an interesting paradigm or data analysis technique, it maintains readership interest.
Conduct of Research
Methods, subjects, and techniques are well suited to the exploration of the research questions. Where relevant, the work demonstrates appropriate operationalization of conceptual constructs and an acceptable degree of internal and/or external validity; the choice of statistical and/or mathematical analysis is appropriate as is the interpretation of results. Study results are objective and in such a form that other researchers could replicate the work. The work adheres to generally accepted standards for scientific ethics.
Logical Presentation of Research
The flow of ideas in the paper is logical and there is a clear tie between literature review and method and a clear link between method and results. The work is presented at a level of sophistication and length appropriate to the readership of an applied research project.
Clarity of the Writing
The work adopts a professional style and tone and is concise. It is grammatically correct and clear in its use of English language. Figures and tables are clear and understandable; accurate and descriptive titles, legends and labels are present.
Assignment Expectations
To complete this assignment, students will use the Module 4 Discussion forum to post their current DSP prospectus draft (Chapters 1-3). Students should then download one (or more) of their peer’s drafts for review. Students will create a Word document with the 5 review areas listed above as headings. The review should explain what the student did well in that area and specific recommendations for improvement in that area. When completed with the review, students should reply to the original discussion forum in order to provide the feedback to their peer. Students must also submit the review in the Case 4 Dropbox for grading.
Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:
Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment
Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an exceptional manner.
Business Writing and Quality of References: Student demonstrates mast
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