SU NSG8105 2021 November Complete Course Latest (Full)
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II

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Week 1 Discussion
Do you think nursing doctoral education should be research focused, practice focused, or both? Explain your answer with at least two references. To ensure that you are sharing a thorough description, your posting should adhere to APA standards and be a minimum of 600 words (not including references).
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 2 Discussion
Introduce your Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student colleagues to your clinical problem, the focus of your research, establishing its significance, and provide the clinical evidence related to the clinical problem. Describe where you are in terms of your capstone project. To ensure that you are sharing a thorough description, your posting should adhere to APA standards and be a minimum of 600 words (not including references).
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 3 Discussion
Many of the sites where you conduct your practicum may have their own institutional IRBs, whereas some may use a central IRB, such as the Western IRB. Smaller institutions may have an ethics committee or an individual in charge of approving research and quality improvement projects. If your practicum site does not have an IRB, you will use the South University IRB after you have obtained formal approval from your practicum site. Discover the process specific to your practicum site and describe it. What challenges or barriers do you expect to encounter? How will you overcome these barriers? Is there an individual you have identified who may serve as a resource person to help you overcome any potential barriers?
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 4 Discussion
This week, you will be responding to two discussion questions. The first discussion question is centered around the following assigned reading available in the South University Online Library:
Shirey, M. R., Hauck, S. L., Embree, J. L., Kinner, T. J., Schaar, G. L., & Phillips,
L. A. (2011). Showcasing differences between quality improvement,
evidence-based practice, and research. The Journal of Continuing
Education in Nursing, 42(2), 57–68. doi:10.3928/00220124-20100701-
After you have read the article, respond to the following questions:
Which category does your project fit (quality improvement, evidence-based practice, or research)? Provide a rationale and evidence for your answer.
Interprofessional collaboration has been shown to improve multiple outcomes. How will your capstone project include interprofessional collaboration? How will this collaboration occur after your Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program is completed?
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 5 Discussion
You are required to develop a recruitment flyer or email to recruit participants for your study. Please post your flyer or email for recruitment here for your peers to review .
The recruitment flyer/email should be visually appealing and gather attention, without making false promises or deceiving the participants. Some important things to include on this include the following:
Title of your project
Who is eligible for participation (include specifics about your inclusion criteria – such as ages of participants, role, male/female, diagnoses, employment, English-speaking, etc.)
Time required of participant: Provide explanation of what type of a time commitment is required for participation. For example “Participants will meet for a 20 minutes to take a pre-test, followed by a 1 hour education session in the clinic waiting room. They will then receive weekly 10 minute check-in phone calls from the primary investigator for a period of 10 weeks, followed by completion of a 20 minute post-test in the clinic.”
Compensation: Address if any compensation is provided. Most students do not provide compensation, but perhaps would provide something like lunch for all participants during the lunch and learn education session. Some students choose to provide compensation such as a $5 gift card, which is fine! But be aware that you will need to give this to everyone who enrolls in the study and can’t require that they complete the study in order to keep the compensation. They would keep the compensation even if they do not follow through with their study.
Your contact information: Your name, credentials, phone number and email (how you want them to contact you), that you are a DNP student at South University
A statement at the end that if participants have any questions or concerns they can contact the IRB at
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 6 Discussion
This week, you will explore the financial costs associated with conducting your DNP project. Using tables, describe the costs associated with your project. Consider costs with planning, approval, implementation, and dissemination. Some costs to consider include institutional review board (IRB) fees, workforce time spent on program planning and development, and costs associated with sharing your work. Describe who will incur the costs associated with your project. Also, review and share potential funding sources such as professional associations (Sigma Theta Tau and Emergency Nurses Association) or seed money provided by the clinical site.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 7 Discussion
Discuss the measurements that you will be obtaining. If you are using any instruments, explain how you have ensured that they are valid or reliable. Describe how you came up with definitions for measurements that you will be using.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 8 Discussion
This week, after you have downloaded SPSS, follow the steps below. If you have not downloaded SPSS, see the Course Resources section for download instructions.
Watch the following video training on how to enter data into SPSS.
Enter the Project data into SPSS software as demonstrated in the training video above.
Entering Data
In the worksheet window, type “Age.” Enter the numbers, as shown in the dataset below. Enter the remaining data, as shown below (set up your column labels, that is, variable). The measure reflects math anxiety and the study variables (cringe=1, uneasy=1, afraid=3, worried=4, and understand=5) range from 1 to 5.
Age |
Cringe |
Uneasy |
Afraid |
Worried |
Understand |
28 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
34 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
25 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
56 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
23 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
29 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
30 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
59 |
2 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
45 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
38 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
33 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
47 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
24 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
29 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
53 |
3 |
1 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
48 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
27 |
2 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
4 |
34 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
26 |
4 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
36 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
Next, we will look at the descriptive statistics for this dataset. Please review this video:
Discuss your analysis.
SPSS and Graphs
We also will look at graphing. Review the tutorial below on how to develop graphs on SPSS with datasets. Choose one of the variables and save your graph. Attach it to your response.
Discuss your experience. Include in your discussion your plans to learn more about SPSS and how this will be of benefit in your analysis of data.
Watch the following video on creating basic graphs in SPSS.
In your discussion post, provide a written interpretation of the calculations in APA format and attach your graph.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 9 Discussion
Peer Review
This week, you will conduct a thorough and thoughtful peer review of a classmate’s introduction and literature review that will be assigned by your instructor. The purpose of the peer review is to strengthen your writing. You will also learn how to provide constructive and communicative feedback and to respond to feedback on your own work. The concept of peer reviewing is not to grade the paper but to add constructive feedback to the assigned classmate’s paper in order to help strengthen his or her work.
By the due date assigned post your introduction and literature review to the Discussion Area for a classmate to review (reviews will be assigned by your course instructor).
By the due date assigned, conduct a thorough and thoughtful classmate review. You may use track changes and add formative comments throughout the document. At the end of the document, give 2–3 paragraphs of summative feedback on the paper. Post this document to your classmate’s discussion thread.
By the end of the week review your classmate’s feedback on your introduction and literature review. If you agree with the recommended changes, incorporate them in the document in Week 10. Post a response for the classmate. Ensure that you incorporate the rationale for any of the changes that you did not include or clarifications that the classmate may have asked for. Of course, in any peer review process, it is always nice to start with a simple “Thank you” to your classmate for taking the time to review and evaluate your work.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 10 Discussion
Research has shown that 60% to 80% of change initiatives fail in the long term. The most common reasons for failure include lack of a paradigm shift with thinking, lack of guidance or knowledge, and lack of clear strategies for long-term results. As you implement your capstone project next semester, what challenges do you see with implementation? What can be done to mitigate the challenges?
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 1 Project
(NIH) Protecting Human Research Participants
You will explore and investigate the history and relevance of human subject protection by completing the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Protecting Human Research Participants course. This certificate is required for IRB submission for South University. Submit a copy and keep this in a file for your IRB submission.
You will explore and investigate the history and relevance of human subject protection by completing the ethics course found at this link (free of charge without CEs)
Submit evidence of completion. This is not graded but is required for submission and for IRB.
Training on Ethical Practice in Research with Human Subjects
ACRP has a free option for this training if you select “Pricing Without Contact Hours.” You will need to create an account in order to take the course.
Ethics and Human Subject Protection: A Comprehensive Introduction
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 4 Project
Overview of Project Methods
During this course, you will complete a multipart paper, with different pieces due in various weeks.
During this course, your Methods section will be broken down into two sections to allow you to focus specialized attention on and develop methods that will be ready for implementation in the next course. Section 1 will include an overview of the approach/design, site, agency, or participant information and methods. Section 2 will include any instruments, data collection methods, and the data analysis plan. The purpose of the substantive drafts is to develop a solid plan for your DNP project and develop a final project deliverable that incorporates faculty feedback and is ready for implementation during your next course, NSG8110.
In Week 6, you will submit a substantive draft of Section 1 of your Methods section. Remember that Section 1 includes the following information:
Overview of the Approach/Design: This section should make clear to the reader the manner in which you intend to approach the clinical question and the techniques and logic that you will use to address it.
Site, Agency, or Participant Information: This section should include a description of key information related to the practicum site and key variables that describe any participants (often called the sample) whom you wish to include in your project.
Methods: What will you do? Nurses or other healthcare professionals may wish to replicate your work in their settings. When others replicate your work, it allows for verification of your findings, an opportunity for improved quality, safety, or finances in another setting, or the potential for collaboration with colleagues who share your same interests. To make results verifiable, you need to give a complete and accurate description of the techniques that you will be using for your project. This section should be clear, direct, and to the point, while including all information. Ensure that your methods describe a clear and feasible time frame.
In Week 7, you will submit a draft of Section 2 of your Methods section of your project. Remember that Section 2 includes the following information:
Instruments: What instruments will you use? What evidence or research exists for the instruments? Have they been determined to be valid or reliable? If so, for what groups? If you are using an instrument or tool that has not been well studied, ensure that you provide evidence to justify its use in your project.
Data Collection: Are there any other points of data that you will be collecting that have not previously been mentioned? The emphasis in this section should be on fully describing specifically what data you will be using in your study. Part of the purpose of doing this is to detect flaws in the plan before they become problems in the research.
Data Analysis Plan: How will you analyze your data? This section should explain in some detail how you will manipulate the data that you assembled to get at the information that you will use to answer your question. When describing statistical tests, ensure that you have specified the appropriate information, such as the significance level and type of confidence interval (one- or two sided). Additionally, describe what meaning the output of any statistical tests will help answer and how it relates to your PICOT/clinical problem.
In Week 8, you will resubmit Section 1 of your Methods section on the basis of faculty feedback that you have received.
In Week 9, you will resubmit Section 2 of your Methods section on the basis of faculty feedback that you have received.
In Week 10, you will submit your final course paper. Your final course paper should include the totality of your Methods section and your introduction (with any revisions suggested by previous faculty). To download a suggested format and minimum expectations for your final course paper, click here.
This week, you will submit a 1–2-page overview of your Methods section. Include information about data collection tools that you would like to use and the process you will follow for your DNP project.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 5 Project
Final IRB Submission
By the due date assigned, submit your rough IRB submission based on the feedback you received from your instructor to the Submissions Area. This will be a another review to ensure that you are ready to move forward with submission to the IRB. After receiving confirmation from your instructor, you will continue to refine the applications before submission, which will assist with submission to the IRB.
You must attach all elements required for IRB submission in a zipped file including the following:
Completed IRB application
Participant Consent Form (and child assent form if needed)
Recruitment Materials-flyer, online email, script
Permission to use tools
Education materials (ALL)
Letter of permission to conduct study at site (and statement that there is no IRB) *IF site has IRB- this must be done first
Student ACRP human subjects certificate
Chair/Professor’s ACRP/CITI human subjects certificate
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 8 Project
Methods: Revision of Section 1
This week, you will submit a revised version of Section 1 of your Methods section on the basis of faculty feedback. Remember that Section 1 should include the following information:
Overview of the Approach/Design: This section should make clear to the reader the way that you intend to approach the clinical question and the techniques and logic that you will use to address it.
Site, Agency, or Participant Information: This section should include a description of key information related to the practicum site and key variables that describe any participants (often called the sample) that you wish to include in your project.
Methods: What will you do? Nurses or other healthcare professionals may wish to replicate your work in their settings. When others replicate your work, it allows for verification of your findings, an opportunity for improved quality, safety, or finances in another setting, or the potential for collaboration with colleagues who share your same interests. To make results verifiable, you need to give a complete and accurate description of the techniques that you will be using for your project. This section should be clear, direct, and to the point while writing your methodology.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 3 Assignment
IRB Application
Early in the week, speak with someone from your clinical site about your project and human subject protection. After assessing what type of submission will be needed (either your clinical site’s IRB or the South University IRB), complete all relevant paperwork and submit it for faculty review. The South University IRB application can be downloaded here. Depending on what type of data you are collecting, you will likely need to use an informed consent document.
Remember, this is a draft. Please be sure to review the videos posted on the IRB process before completing this.
Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 6 Assignment
Methods Development
As discussed in Week 4, during this course, your Methods section will be broken down into two sections to allow you to focus specialized attention on and develop methods that will be ready for implementation in the next course. Section 1 will include an overview of the approach/design, site, agency, or participant information and methods. Section 2 will include any instruments, data collection methods, and the data analysis plan. The purpose of the substantive drafts is to develop a solid plan for your DNP project and develop a final project deliverable that incorporates faculty feedback and is ready for implementation during your next course, NSG8110.
This week, you will submit a substantive draft of Section 1 of your Methods section. Remember that Section 1 includes the following information:
Overview of the Approach/Design: This section should make clear to the reader the manner in which you intend to approach the clinical question and the techniques and logic that you will use to address it.
Site, Agency, or Participant Information: This section should include a description of key information related to the practicum site and key variables that describe any participants (often called the sample) whom you wish to include in your project.
Methods: What will you do? Nurses or other healthcare professionals may wish to replicate your work in their settings. When others replicate your work, it allows for verification of your findings, an opportunity for improved quality, safety, or finances in another setting, or the potential for collaboration with colleagues who share your same interests. To make results verifiable, you need to give a complete and accurate description of the techniques that you will be using for your project. This section should be clear, direct, and to the point while writing your methodology.
*For a thorough understanding of the entire Methods section assignment and final course paper, see W6 Final Paper—Working Ahead.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 7 Assignment
Section 2 of Methods
This week, you will submit a draft of Section 2 of the Methods section of your project. Remember that Section 2 includes the following information:
Instruments: What instruments will you use? What evidence or research exists for the instruments? Have they been determined to be valid or reliable? If so, for what groups? If you are using an instrument or tool that has not been well studied, ensure that you provide evidence to justify its use in your project.
Data Collection: Are there any other points of data that you will be collecting that have not previously been mentioned? The emphasis in this section should be on fully describing specifically what data you will be using in your study. Part of the purpose of doing this is to detect flaws in the plan before they become problems in the research.
Data Analysis Plan: How will you analyze your data? This section should explain in some detail how you will manipulate the data that you assembled to get at the information that you will use to answer your question. When describing statistical tests, ensure that you have specified the appropriate information, such as significance level and type of confidence interval (one or two sided). Additionally, describe what meaning the “output” of any statistical tests will help answer and how it relates to your PICOT/clinical problem.
NSG8105 Capstone in Applied Practice II
Week 9 Assignment
Methods: Revision of Section 2
This week, you will submit a revision of Section 2 of your Methods section on the basis of feedback received from your instructor. Remember that Section 2 should include the following information:
Instruments: What instruments will you use? What evidence or research exists for the instruments? Have they been determined to be valid or reliable? If so, for what groups? If you are using an instrument or tool that has not been well studied, ensure that you provide evidence to justify its use in your project.
Data Collection: Are there any other points of data that you will be collecting that have not previously been mentioned? The emphasis in this section should be on fully describing specifically what data you will be using in your study. Part of the purpose of doing this is to detect flaws in the plan before they become problems in the research.
Data Analysis Plan: How will you analyze your data? This section should explain in some detail how you will manipulate the data that you assembled to get at the information that you will use to answer your question. When describing statistical tests, ensure that you have specified the appropriate information, such as the significance level and type of confidence interval (one- or two sided). Additionally, describe what meaning the output of any statistical tests will help answer and how it relates to your population/patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time (PICOT)/clinical problem.
Explanation & Answer
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