nurs659 full course latest 2018 march (except week 1,5 quiz and week 4 assignment)
1 discussion

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Prompt 1
Review the seven critical success factors
for healthcare initiatives. Choose four of the seven and discuss their effects
on the success of implementing or upgrading an EHR. What might be potential
areas of concern for an EHR that heavily uses third-party services to supply
critical clinical functionality, such as decision support or medical reference
links? In what circumstances might a clinical infrastructure based on either
third-party service providers or mobile applications be desirable? What
cautions should we place on these technologies in the same circumstances?
Prompt 2
Describe a workflow issue you have
encountered in practice and explain how you could use a gap analysis to plan
for change.
2 discussion
Prompt 1
What opportunities do you see for CDS to
facilitate the work of healthcare professionals? Explain how usability is
important when integrating clinical decision support.
Prompt 2
Discuss the importance of the user
experience when implementing or changing components of health information
technology. Outline a usability test for one module of your current EHR.
Include the elements discussed in the chapter in your proposed usability test.
Describe why you chose the methods you did.
3 discussion
Prompt 1
You are the NI assigned to manage the
implementation of an EHR. Discuss the common short- and long-term goals you
will include in your plan. What are some of the approaches that can be used to
coordinate care during an incremental go-live as patients are transferred from
units that have gone live to units still waiting to go live?
Prompt 2
Discuss the reasons why some institutions
experience significantly more satisfaction or dissatisfaction during an
implementation than do others. Describe why script testing is important to the
EHR adoption process.
4 discussion
Prompt 1
You have been asked to implement a new
blood glucose monitoring software application. Provide a communication plan
that includes who, what, when, and how.
Prompt 2
Describe the policies and/or procedures to
put into place that will assist in the management of an electronic health
record. Identify creative strategies to encourage physicians and other
clinicians to participate in the implementation of a new health IT system.
Should employees who have repeatedly failed to attend go-live classes be
subjected to discipline measures?
5 discussion
Prompt 1
Discuss two anticipated risks during
optimization and your plans to minimize these risks.
Prompt 2
Use course materials and outside resources
to help you discuss a plan to manage EHR downtime in a large hospital system.
Compare and contrast the roles of the informatician, the clinician, and IT
personnel in system downtime planning. Contrast different communication methods
for system downtime events and summarize the pros and cons of each.
6 discussion
Prompt 1
The following websites include toolkits for
completing a risk assessment:
Review the risk assessment guides available
at these sites and then answer the following question:
Because HIPAA requires that a covered
entity appoint a security officer, what is the role of the health professional
or informatics specialist in working with the security officer to complete a
risk assessment? In your discussion, consider who has access to the information
required to complete the assessment and how the information should be
Prompt 2
List and describe the federal agencies and
committees that are responsible for facilitating electronic exchange of health
information in the United States. What are the current time periods for the
meaningful use program under Medicare and Medicaid, respectively? How do
providers avoid payment penalties for failing to satisfy meaningful use
7 discussion
Prompt 1
Discuss the role of informatics in home
health care and related community-based systems. What are your experiences with
such settings? Do you expect to have more contact with them in the future?
Prompt 2
Monitoring population health status is a
central public health activity. A variety of survey systems, such as the CDC’s
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and National Health
Interview Survey (NHIS), as well as state and national reporting systems, such
as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Pregnancy Risk
Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), and National Electronic Disease
Surveillance System (NEDSS) provide public health practitioners with the ability
to assess health trends, identify and respond to emerging health hazards, and
guide development of interventions and policies that address serious health
conditions such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes. With the proliferation of
EHRs within acute and ambulatory care systems, how much of this survey activity
do you think can be folded in under routine data collection and exchange
8 discussion
Prompt 1
Do an Internet search for new technologies
that focus on patient engagement. Discuss one of your findings. Also describe
two strategies a provider can use to engage patients in monitoring their
health. In the interest of public health, do you believe all capable patients
should be expected to monitor their health using accessible tools? What, if
any, are the unintended consequences of that expectation?
Prompt 2
What societal and technological trends do
you see that might promote increased adoption and use of personal health
records (PHRs)? What specific types of data or functions do you think would
draw people who are not current PHR users to adopt and use the PHR? How do you
think this might vary by user attributes (e.g., age, disease status, health
1 Identifying Gaps Paper
Write a three- to four-page paper that
describes a minimum of two gaps that you have identified in current and future
workflow processes in your organization. Propose possible solutions for the
gaps identified.
Follow APA format and provide a minimum of
five scholarly resources.
Examples of scholarly sources include
professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases,
national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last
five years.
2 Strategic Plan for Clinical Decision Support Implementation Paper
Building on the activity you have just
completed, create a two- to three-page strategic plan (paper) using APA format
and a minimum of three scholarly sources. Examples of scholarly sources include
professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases,
national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last
five years.
Please include the following information in
your plan (organize using headings):
The approach you would take to ensure all
aspects of patient care are considered
Define and describe a minimum of five CDS
supports you would include
How you would prioritize the efforts
Potential areas to focus on that are
related to payment rates, national quality measures, CDS interventions that
meet meaningful use requirements, readmissions for congestive heart failure and
other care events, and areas identified as institutional priorities for
clinical improvement
How you would balance the need to deliver
the CDS capabilities quickly against the benefit of establishing a robust
Identify one area for quality and
improvement and what CDS strategies you would implement to improve that area
Define how your approach aligns with best
practices such as CDS Five Rights, CDS 10 commandments, and the desire to use
standards-based scalable approaches
Include how you will systematically measure
the effect of the CDS interventions
3 EHR Implementation Teaching/Training Plan
As the nursing informaticist leading the
implementation of a new electronic health record, you may be assigned the task
of developing a teaching/training plan for your newly acquired EHR. There are a
number of things you must consider when developing teaching/training materials.
These include, but are not limited to:
Setting/Practice type
Having a plan for each “role” that needs
training at your facility (e.g., IT professionals, providers, patients,
Figuring out what training each particular
group will need and how you will schedule these trainings based on the groupings.
Consider grouping different roles for specific trainings where you can for
Meaningful use
Although we realize that in reality a
teaching/training implementation plan would be an extensive plan involving all
stakeholders from employees to patients, for the purpose of this assignment, we
are going to have you focus on employee groups in a specific type of setting.
Visit the Implementation Resources pages of at the following link:
Explore the site’s resources by narrowing
the search using the tool on the left side of the page several different times
to see different materials for different situations.
Choose a setting/practice type and describe
it in detail. Then, choose three different resources you might use at the start
of a teaching/training plan in this setting (include them in your submission as
appendices, not counting toward the page count of your paper). Make sure at
least two of the resources apply to at least two different roles within the
setting. Describe why you chose each one, how you would use each one, who they
are geared toward (group roles when possible for efficiency), the setting in
which they apply, and any other considerations you made while choosing them.
Write a three- to four-page paper in APA
format, providing a minimum of three scholarly resources to support your
teaching/training initial plan. Examples of scholarly sources include
professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases,
national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last
five years.
4 Selling Your System Presentation
Imagine that you are a project manager at
an electronic health record company that has recently bought their competitor.
You are going into a facility that has been using the old competitor’s system
and you will be in charge of discussing the effects of upgrading or changing
EHR systems.
Using the course materials and a minimum of
two outside resources, discuss the implications of upgrading or changing to a
different EHR.
Include the process, the people involved,
and the training needed, as well as the positive and negative outcomes that may
occur during transition.
Keep in mind that you work for the EHR
company, and you need to focus on selling the new system to the facility.
Use the Kaltura recording tool to create
your presentation. It should be no more than five minutes in duration and
should include audio with your integrated PowerPoint. Please see the Getting
Started with Kaltura link in the main menu if you need to review how to use the
recording tool.
5 Downtime Plan Analysis Paper
Analyze the current downtime plan for
scheduled upgrades that will support workflow, clinical processes, and data
recovery in your organization.
Utilizing scholarly resources, write a two-
to three-page paper that discusses your recommendations for editing or amending
the current downtime plan. In addition to course resources, a minimum of two
outside resources must be used.
Examples of scholarly sources include
professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases,
national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last
five years.
6 Meaningful Use Planning Pamphlet
You are in charge of planning and
implementing the third stage of meaningful use at a large healthcare
organization. Create an educational pamphlet to explain the third stage of
meaningful use and its effect on health care and electronic health records. In
addition to course resources, a minimum of two outside resources must be used.
Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books
obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics
organizations, published within the last five years.
Websites with free software for building
creative items that you can then download as a PDF:
Click for more options
My Creative Shop
Note: WCU is not responsible for these
websites. You do not have to use any of them; this is only a list to provide
options. You can use any software you have available with which you are most
comfortable and can be downloaded as a PDF for assignment submission.
7 Global Health Issue Paper
Select a current global health issue (Zika,
Syrian refugee crisis, etc.) to research.
In a two- to three-page APA formatted
paper, explain how using healthcare informatics can address the crisis.
In addition to course resources, please
provide a minimum of two outside scholarly resources.
Examples of scholarly sources include
professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases,
national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last
five years.
7 NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Training
When graduate nursing students engage in
scholarly activities and research, they must take steps to ensure that human
subjects are protected. This process includes an initial introduction to the
role of an organization’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB reviews
proposed scholarly activities to ensure that human subjects do not suffer any
undue physical, financial, or psychological harm.
As a graduate nursing student at WCU, you
are required to submit documentation of completion of an online certificate
program entitled “Protecting Human Research Participants,” which is available
from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This program is available at no
cost and takes approximately one to three hours to complete. Once you have completed
the online program, you can download a computer-generated certificate.
You will need to submit a copy of this
certificate of completion to Blackboard for this assignment. The certificate is
valid for two years. Keep a copy of the certificate on hand for future
Go to the following website to get started: Click for more options
Click on the tration tab to create
your account and complete the training. Submit your certificate or a screenshot
of your completed training to this assignment dropbox
8 Signature Assignment Mobile Health and Social Media Plan
As a new NI, you are provided the task of
creating a new mHealth and social media plan aimed at providing patient
education for your organization. The fictional organization can be any size or
location you like, but specific details about its facilities, locations, staff,
services, and patient demographics should be included in your assignment
submission. Be creative!
Think about social media tools such as
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, and research how you can use these
tools to provide patient education and gather statistics for an organization.
Create a plan that includes the following:
Describe in detail your fictional organization,
including the previously listed details and any others you feel are pertinent
to the project.
Select one of the tools and explain why you
think it would be a good choice to provide patient education to the population
your organization serves and to gather statistics for the type of fictional
organization you have created.
Provide a summary of the initial content
that you would post, explaining why you chose this particular content. Then,
provide a summary of at least four possible follow-up posts with explanations
on why they align to the initial post.
Include a visual example—a screenshot of an
example you have seen that you would like to model or the actual design if you
have already built one—that shows how you would design the page/blog/video. (Please
note that you are not expected to actually build anything on social media sites
for the purpose of this assignment.
Create and describe a dissemination plan
for both initial and ongoing implementation and how you plan to evaluate the
effect/usage of using this tool.
Describe what benefits and challenges you
foresee in both creating and maintaining this type of social media tool for
your organization.
Your plan/paper should follow APA format
and include at least five scholarly resources. Examples of scholarly sources
include professional journal articles and books obtained from library
databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within
the last five years.
Week 2 quiz
In which important step of the patient care
workflow does workflow support aid? (Select all that apply.)
Automation of decision-making
Diagnostic advice based on parameters
Care transitions
Patient documentation
Question 2 Goals of usability of health
information technology defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
Ability to be used on or off line
Available workarounds
Question 3 Which is considered a human factor
according to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society?
The speed of connectivity
The availability of support staff
Types of clinical decision support
Placement of a table in the operating room
Question 4 What is a primary reason that
decision support systems are not integrated in clinical settings?
Lack of incentives
Security issues with the software systems
Limited research supporting these systems
Lack of available systems
Question 5 Which type of clinical decision
support notifies clinicians or patients about important conditions or
recommendations based on the patient’s clinical data?
Point of care alerts and reminders
Medication dosing support
Order facilitators
Expert systems
Week 3 quiz
Question 1 What is the final step in the
systems life cycle (SLC)?
Implement or go-live
Return to analyze
Question 2 What is included when performing
the initial internal and external data collection step in the system selection
Signing the agreement and beginning the
installation process
Developing the initial system
Defining and prioritizing system
Using formal evaluation criteria to rate
Question 3 What priority information should
be included when identifying system requirements for a new electronic health
Work around being used
Paper documents in use
Current processes
Future workflow
Question 4 High-level project goals are
identified and established during which phase of project management?
Question 5 Which is a framework for
understanding the process of developing or configuring, implementing, and using
an information system?
Open shift management
Problem classification scheme
Systems life cycle (SLC)
Clinical decision support (CDS)
4 Quiz
Question 1 What information or tips should
be included in the design process?
Minimize keystrokes or excessive scrolling
Provide many alerts within the system
Include easy prompts for all physician
Provide a variety of looks to distinguish
the type of screens
Question 2 During which type of go-live
should an organization use both paper and electronic environments at the same
time within the healthcare institution?
Hybrid implementation
Big bang
Train the trainer
Phased go-live
Question 3 Which phase of the systems life
cycle includes an upgrade for new components to be obtained and installed?
Question 4 If an institution is using the
big bang go-live approach, which type of training is the most appropriate?
Bringing in temporary trainers
Training the trainer
Bringing in school educators
Using super users
Question 5 When setting up volume testing
for an organization that is preparing to implement an electronic health record,
when is the best time to test the system?
When students are not logging in
During a scheduled downtime
The middle of the night
During the busiest time of the day
Week 6 quiz
Question 1 What must a facility do to
comply with the category of using health information through the Joint
Commission information management accreditation standards?
Ensure that knowledge-based information
resources are available
Maintain accurate health information
Create a plan for managing information
Protect the privacy of health information
Question 2 Which type of assessment is
required by both the HIPAA security rule and meaningful use to identify gaps
and weaknesses that could lead to security breaches?
Question 3 Which function is included in
mHealth applications?
Connect to a physician for treatment
Send prescriptions to the patient’s
Transfer entire records to other providers
Request a change in provider
Question 4 Which action to avoid fraud and
abuse is recommended by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services toolkit?
Purchasing a system that incorporates
anti-fraud features
Showing what and when something in an EHR
is modified, not the person when doing audits
Running audit logs during high traffic
Training only key informatics personnel
regarding risks associated with EHRs
Question 5 An important aspect of the
HITECH act is the inclusion of:
Requirements for privacy breaches
Guidelines for social media
Handling of lab and diagnostic testing
Provisions for financial security
Week 7 quiz
Question 1
What type of taxonomy, that provides
terminology structure for care and care plans, consists of three levels of
actions or activities?
The Outcome in Assessment Information Set
Problem classification scheme
The Omaha System
Intervention scheme
Question 2
What is the responsibility of a local
health department? (Select all that apply.)
Creating automated links with the CDC
Implementing control measures
Investigating public health situations
De-identifying information
Receiving reports from hospitals and
Question 4 What is a benefit in public
health for participating in a health information exchange (HIE) initiati
Fast receipt of disease reports
Record of people declining immunizations
Access to an advisory council for public
health issues
Electronic linkage between public and
private healthcare organizations
Question 5 What is the primary goal of
public health surveillance?
Providing health information to public
health staff, government leaders, and the public to guide policy and programs
Reporting of disease, injury, and final
events such as births and deaths
Acquiring information specific to diseases
occurring in the population
Organizing systems and tasks related to
public health
Week 8 quiz
Question 1
Which is an example of a patient virtual
Connected health
Question 2
A benefit to utilizing social networks and
health care is that it:
Restricts healthcare professionals from
joining the group
Provides a means of transferring anonymous
reportable data to the CDC
Maintains a confidential healthcare
Allows patients to connect with others who
have similar issues or interests
Question 3
Which individual is least likely to adopt a
personal health record?
Someone newly diagnosed
A healthcare worker
Young adults
A low-income patient
Question 4
Which principle related to personal health
record design allows consumers to know what information has been collected
about them, the purpose of the use, who can access the information, and where
the information is located?
Purpose specification
Individual participation in control
Openness and transparency
Accountability and oversight
Question 5
Which term is used to refer to a person invested
in incorporating tools and technology in his daily life to quantify and monitor
daily experiences through metrics?
Quantified self
Participatory consumer
Digital consumer
Qualified self
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