nrnp6645 midterm exam 2022 latest all 100 answers
NRNP-6645-18-Psychotherapy Mult Modalities-2022-Spring

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Question 1
A Hispanic woman whose mother recently died reports that she continues to hear the voice of her deceased mother. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse considering the woman’s Hispanic culture determines which of the following?
A. The woman is likely grieving according to her Hispanic social norms.
B. The woman is psychotic as Hispanic people tend to somaticize conflicts.
C. The woman is psychotic and needs to be hospitalized for further evaluation.
D. The woman is clearly psychotic, and the advanced practice psychiatric nurse prescribes an antipsychotic medication.
Question 2
According to Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Model for nursing, a cornerstone for the psychotherapeutic process is understanding, assessing, and managing which of the following?
A. Anger
B. Anxiety
C. Resilience
D. Holism
Question 3
Which of the following is inconsistent with Socratic Dialogue basic rules for the therapist?
A. The collaborative dialogue is goal-directed and specific.
B. The therapist may use everyday experiences as therapeutic metaphors.
C. Self-disclosure is frequently used to motivate the patient in problem solving.
D. Socratic Dialogue questions should be framed in a way to elicit an affirmative response.
Question 4
The decision to use supportive psychotherapy should be based on which of the following? Check all that apply.
A. Recent losses
B. Present coping skills
C. The patient’s ego strength and weaknesses
D. Highest level of functioning previously achieved
Question 5
A basic strategy of dynamic supportive therapy in which the advanced practice psychiatric nurse assists the patient with reality testing, problem-solving, impulse control, affect modulation, interpersonal awareness, social skills, and empathy is most specifically known as which of the following?
A. Manage transference
B. Lend psychic structure
C. Hold and contain the patient
D. Foster and protect the therapeutic alliance.
Question 6
Which of the following is not consistent with the resilience model proposed by Miller-Kraus?
A. This resilience model is based on neurophysiology.
B. The resilience zone in an internal state of adaptability and flexibility.
C. We feel our best when we have a strong sympathetic system to regulate emotions.
D. We feel our best and deal effectively with life when we are in our resilience zone.
Question 7
The power of family therapy comes from
A. Focusing on dysfunctional emotions
B. Ignoring dysfunctional emotions
C. Bringing parents and children together to transform their interactions.
D. Clearly identifying fault and restructuring
Question 8
When working with a couple the therapist observes the wife seems to have more power in the relationship and the husband seems disengaged. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse can safely assume which of the following based on the couple’s Appalachian culture/roots?
A. This is a culturally consistent framework where the wife is typically the decision maker in the family.
B. This is not culturally consistent with Appalachian norms and is an issue for the couple’s therapy.
C. The couple is aware of the gender inequality in the family and is fine with it.
D. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse cannot assume any of the above and needs to further assess roles in the relationship.
s Question 9
A group member becomes angry with the group leader accusing the leader of being too controlling and showing favoritism. This behavior is consistent with which of Yalom’s therapeutic factors?
A. Catharsis
B. Interpersonal learning
C. Development of socializing techniques
D. The corrective recapitulation of the primary family group.
Question 10
The novice advanced practice psychiatric nurse working as a new nurse psychotherapist may become increasingly aware of being incompetent as progress is made. According to the Stages of Learning model the advanced practice psychiatric nurse is in which stage of learning?
A. Unconscious incompetency
B. Conscious incompetency
C. Conscious competency
D. Unconscious competency
Question 11
Accepting a multitude of exits from and entries into the family system is a key emotional process of transition in which Family Life Cycle stage?
A. Families in later life
B. Leaving home: single young adults.
C. Launching children and moving on.
D. The joining of families through marriage: the new couple.
Question 12
The CBT therapist asks the patient “On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your level of depression today?” “And how does that compare to 2 months ago?” This is an example of what type of question type in Socratic Dialogue?
A. Application question
B. Analysis question
C. Evaluation question
D. This would not be a question consistent with Socratic Dialogue.
Question 13
The change agent in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?
A. Insight
B. Mindfulness
C. Wish/defense conflicts
D. Emotional communication and affect regulation
Question 14
A family has been court-ordered to family therapy. The family does not want to participate in therapy. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse using a solution focused therapy model would most likely do which of the following?
A. Ask them what the minimum is that they need to do to satisfy the court order.
B. Review the case and offer suggestions for solving the issue.
C. Acknowledge the forced nature of the therapy and encourage them to use this as an opportunity to grow together as a family.
D. Refuse to see them as clearly, they don’t want to be there, and therapy won’t help them.
Question 15
In psychodynamic case formulation three personality organization levels have been identified along a continuum. A patient who primarily uses primitive defenses is likely to be in which personality range?
A. Healthy
B. Neurotic
C. Psychotic
D. Borderline
Question 16
Over the past 40 years many controlled studies of psychotherapy outcome have demonstrated which of the following?
A. The outcome from group therapy is virtually identical to that of individual therapy.
B. The outcome from group therapy is slightly less than outcome of individual therapy.
C. The outcome from group therapy is significantly better than outcomes of individual therapy
D. The outcome from group therapy is significantly less than outcomes of individual therapy.
Question 17
Cross-cultural research supports which of the following?
A. Culture determines what is considered a psychiatric disorder
B. Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma are consistent across cultures
C. Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma vary across cultures
D. A and B
E. A and C
Question 18
According to Erikson’s Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?
A. Psychosis, addictions, depression
B. Paranoia, obsessions, compulsions
C. Phobias, psychosomatic disorders
D. Inertia, creative inhibition
Question 19
While working with a patient who exhibits parasuicidal behaviors of cutting, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse has the patient sign a no-suicide contract. Which of the following is true from a legal perspective about a no-suicidal contract?
A. This is a legally binding document
B. It proves the therapist has good clinical judgment.
C. It absolves the therapist of any responsibility should the patient commit suicide.
D. It is not a substitute for good clinical judgment; accurate assessment is imperative.
Question 20
We all have preconceptions that are brought into every situation. As a nurse psychotherapist it is important to do which of the following?
A. Eliminate all preconceptions before meeting with the patient.
B. Always be transparent with the patient regarding any preconceptions.
C. Be aware of preconceptions, what they are and how they influence our work.
D. Discuss preconceptions you have with the patient as others likely have similar preconceptions about the patient.
Question 21
An advanced practice psychiatric nurse is sued for continuing to work with a patient despite the treatment not working. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes that which of the following will be considered in this case?
A. Was the standard of care followed?
B. Was there harm to the patient?
C. This is a frivolous lawsuit. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse cannot be sued for this.
D. A and B
Question 22
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions focus on
A. The person’s relationships and family dynamics
B. The person’s thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors
C. The person’s understanding of how the past gets triggered and plays out in the present
D. The person’s body, beliefs, images, and emotions to process trauma
Question 23
The CBT therapist working with a patient who is distraught because they did not get a job they really wanted. The individual is helped to identify how to use what appears to be a negative situation to his or her advantage. This technique is known as which of the following?
A. Cognitive rehearsal
B. Paradox or Exaggeration
C. Turning Adversity to Advantage
D. Decatastrophizing
Question 24
Controlled studies of psychotherapy outcome have shown which of the following?
A. The average person typically does not engage in psychotherapy
B. The average person who receives psychotherapy is significantly improved.
C. The average person who receives psychotherapy shows no significant improvement.
D. The average person who receives psychotherapy shows some improvement, but results are not statistically significant.
Question 25
Which of the following is consistent research related to resilience and posttraumatic growth?
A. Resilience and posttraumatic growth are inversely related.
B. There is a curvilinear relationship between posttraumatic growth and resilience.
C. Moderate resilience and emotional intelligence is associated with the most growth.
D. All of the above
Question 26
In patients with chronic hyperarousal their Resilience Zone may be too narrow. Strategies to widen the Resilience Zone would include which of the following?
A. Exercise, decreasing caffeine intake, and imagery
B. Relaxation exercises, increasing caffeine intake and imagery
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above because actually their Resilience Zone is too wide.
Question 27
Which of the following is consistent regarding termination in brief psychodynamic therapy?
A. The termination date is set within 10 weeks of anticipated termination.
B. The termination date is set in the beginning of treatment within 30 sessions
C. The termination date is set in the beginning of treatment within 60 sessions.
D. The termination date is flexible and is set mutually by the therapist and patient once major issues have been addressed.
uestion 28
A situation in which a person’s zeal to avoid feared abandonments is such that the person inadvertently creates the very situation that he or she is trying so hard to avoid is an example of what is clinically known as which of the following?
A. Resistance
B. Transference
C. Self-fulfilling prophecy
D. Cyclical psychodynamics
uestion 29
Which of the following types of questions is not one the seven basic types of questions in Socratic dialogue?
A. History questions
B. Memory questions
C. Analysis questions
D. Application questions
Question 30
Which of the following is not consistent with clinical practice guidelines for use of psychodynamic therapy for various psychiatric disorders?
A. Panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy is recommended as an initial treatment for Panic Disorder
B. No RCTs support use of psychodynamic therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
C. Psychodynamic therapy is considered a first-line treatment for Schizophrenia
D. Psychodynamic therapy is a therapeutic treatment option for Major Depressive Disorder.
Question 31
Which of the following is not consistent with therapeutic process of the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group in group psychotherapy?
A. The therapeutic value is that early familial conflicts are simply relived.
B. The therapeutic value is that early familial conflicts are relived correctively.
C. Fixed roles must be constantly explored and challenged.
D. Working out problems in the group setting is also working through unfinished business from long ago.
Question 32
A therapist has decided to terminate treatment for a patient due to the patient continuing to miss scheduled appointments. The therapist should do which of the following?
A. Write a termination letter indicating only that the therapy is being terminated effective immediately.
B. Send a termination letter to the patient indicating therapist concern, reason for termination, reason for patient to continue in treatment and referral to another provider if patient wants to continue in treatment and put a copy of this in the patient chart.
C. Make sure patient not in crisis and refer to a specific provider.
D. B and C
Question 33
Which of the following is not consistent cross-cultural research related to mental health and mental illness.
A. Culture determines what is considered a psychiatric disorder.
B. Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma vary across cultures.
C. Individuals from different cultural backgrounds vary in their interoceptive awareness.
D. Individuals from different cultural backgrounds are similar in their interoceptive awareness.
Question 34
Family dialogue is encouraged.
A. Genogram
B. Family schema
C. Family drawing
D. Family sculpting
Question 35
According to Bowen, lack of differentiation in a family may be manifest as
A. Emotional overinvolvement
B. Emotional distance
C. Reactive Children
D. A and C
E. A, B, and C
Question 36
The quality of the therapeutic relationship is most closely linked to which school of therapy?
A. Freudian
B. Gestalt
D. None of the above
Question 37
Strategies for working with anxiety are central to all therapy approaches. Which strategy would be consistent with a behavioral therapy approach?
A. Restructuring
B. Interpretations
C. Desensitization
D. Exploring wishes
Question 38
Which of the following is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of psychodynamic psychotherapy?
A. What has happened in the past determines what we do today.
B. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is rooted in developmental theory
C. By changing one’s thoughts, emotions and behaviors can be changed.
D. Through understanding the past, the individual is impowered to make more conscious decisions.
Question 39
The nurse psychotherapist realizes that “true presence” in a therapeutic relationship involves which of the following? Check all that apply.
A. Listening to what is important to the patient.
B. Listening to what the meaning of a situation is in the moment.
C. “Being with” the patient rather than “doing to” the patient.
D. Acceptance, nonjudgmental attitude and empathy.
Question 40
Role play in the context of the therapy session is an example of which of the following behavioral techniques:
A. Bibliotherapy
B. Behavioral rehearsal
C. Contingency management
D. Cognitive restructuring
Question 41
According to Freud’s Psychosexual stages development of sexual identity occurs during what age range?
A. 18 months to 3 years
B. 3 years to 6 years
C. 6 years to 12 years
D. 13 years to 20 years
Question 42
A descriptive/biological approach of specialized knowledge that treats individuals as members of a diagnostic group is based on
A. A biomedical model
B. A holistic model
C. A recovery model
D. A resilience model
Question 43
The capacity to be alone is known as which of the following?
A. Oneness
B. Autonomy
C. Independence
D. Object constancy
Question 44
According to Mahler’s stages of separation-individuation the phase of “normal autism” occurs during what age range?
A. Birth to 1 month
B. 10 to 16 months
C. 16 to 24 months
D. 24 to 36 months
Question 45
Common patterns of behavior and experience derived from the settings in which people live is known as which of the following?
A. Race
B. Culture
C. Ethnicity
D. Family structure
uestion 46
Diverting conflict between two people by involving a third is known as the concept of:
A. Emotional reactivity
B. Relationship triangles
C. Differentiation of self
D. Enmeshment
uestion 47
What distinguishes psychoanalytic therapy from other types of therapies?<
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