NR566 Complete Course Latest 2022 January (Full)
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family

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Week 3 Discussion
Patient Education: OTC Medications
The purpose of this assignment is to explore over-the-counter (OTC) medications for HEENT symptom management. This assignment will allow for discovery into commonly used OTC agents and associated patient education points required for the safe, effective use of these agents. Formulation of a patient-education infographic supports professional formation, communication, and dissemination skills relevant to the FNP.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Select appropriate medications according to patient presentation and unique patient factors. (POs 1, 2)
CO 2: Analyze factors pertinent to making the most effective drug selection for a client with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting. (POs 1, 2)
CO 3: Analyze client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses and side effects to drug therapy. (POs 1, 2)
CO 6: Analyze whether pharmacologic therapy is appropriate for individual patients. (POs 1, 2)
Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Use (Links to an external site.) or another infographic development to design a patient teaching aid about OTC treatments for colds and cough. Use PO drugs only.
Include the following required six sections. You do not have to use these exact words for headings, but they should be labeled to identify the intended topic.
What OTC drugs (active ingredients) are available to treat the following common cold and cough symptoms?
Nasal decongestants
Cough suppressants
Pain relievers
What is the recommended dose and frequency for each generic drug (active ingredient)?
How do I know which one to take?
How do I know which OTC medications are safe to take with others?
When should I stop taking the OTC medication selected?
When should I see my healthcare provider?
Lay language for patients rather than professional language
Use of graphics, images, etc.
Use PO drugs only
References & Participation
References used should be noted at the bottom of your infographic in a smaller font as not to distract from information provided but also validating the information came from a reliable source within the last 5 years.
References should be from either your textbook or a professional source such as American Gastroenterological Association, Prescriber’s Desk Reference, etc.
References should not be from sources such as MayoClinic, WebMD, etc.
Additionally, avoid use of journal articles for this assignment as you are looking for a more global consensus than that of one journal article.
Student provides a response to at least one topic-related post of a peer.
Student responds to all direct faculty questions OR if student was not asked a direct question student responds to either a 2nd peer post or a faculty question directed towards another student.
Provide a screenshot of your completed infographic.
Highlight the date the infographic was created (see example in image).
The infographic submitted must match the screenshot submitted with the assignment.
The date the infographic is created must coincide with the session in which it is submitted.
Submit your infographic and screenshot to the course discussion board by Wednesday 11:59 PM MT.
You must submit the infographic itself (not a screenshot of the infographic) and the screenshot showing the completion date each as their own file. Each can be either a PDF, JPG, or DOCX – but each must be its own separate file.
Subsequent posts, including substantive responses to peer(s) and faculty questions, must occur by Sunday, 11:59 PM MT. A total of three substantive posts are required on two different days.
Infographic: Design an Infographic using Canva (Links to an external site.)by following the video instructions below.
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 6 Discussion
Quiz Writer
The purpose of this assignment is to develop student-generated quiz items to promote individual and collective learning of advanced pharmacological concepts. Generating quiz items supports learners to recall and process content. Peer review of developed quiz items provides feedback on the questions and responses and allows for engagement in the peer-review process.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Select appropriate medications according to patient presentation and unique patient factors. (POs 1, 2)
CO 2: Analyze factors pertinent to making the most effective drug selection for a client with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting. (POs 1, 2)
CO 3: Analyze client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses and side effects to drug therapy. (POs 1, 2)
CO 4: Write prescriptions according to evidence-based practice guidelines. (POs 1, 2)
CO 5: Identify legal, and ethical issues related to pharmacological management of the adolescent, adult, and older adult. (POs 1, 2)
CO 6: Recognize the importance of simplifying drug regimens in older adults to prevent polypharmacy. (POs 1, 2)
Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
1. Quiz-item writing
Develop five (5) quiz-type questions related to the content/reading assignments for this week.
It is a good idea to focus your questions on the topics from the Final Exam Study Guide for this week but not required.
Use a clinical-based scenario in at least one question.
Use multiple-choice, select all that apply, or matching question format.
Post your five (5) questions in the weekly discussion board. Do not provide answers to your five (5) questions in the initial post.
2. Respond to a peer. Preferably one who has not yet received a response.
Answer the five (5) quiz questions posted by one student peer. Answer questions that have not been responded to unless there are no available posts without a response already.
Provide an evidence-based rationale for each of your answers to the five (5) questions.
Provide a citation and matching reference is required from the course textbook for each of the five (5) rationales.
Provide one evidence-based learning point related to the quiz questions. Provide a current (within 5 years) citation and matching reference. Sources may include course textbook, professional organizations, clinical practice guidelines, research studies, etc.
3. Respond to the peer who provided answers to your five (5) quiz-type questions. If more than one peer responded to your questions, you only have to answer one (the first one preferably).
Identify the number of s to the five (5) quiz-type questions.
Provide an evidence-based rationale for any ins as you explain the .
Include a citation and reference for the from the assigned textbook for the course.
Use positive and supportive communication to support a positive learning environment.
If no one responded to your questions, you may add an additional response to a different peer’s original set of questions or a response to a peer by adding further guidance or dialogue with scholarly reference.
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 7 Discussion
Weekly Group Study
This is a required but non-graded discussion board. This course activity helps keep you enrolled in the course and helps prevent you from experiencing administrative withdrawal from being inactive in the course for too many days. On this discussion board, write one exam style question from this week’s content to aid in you and your peers’ study of this week’s material. It is recommended that you use the study guide provided in course announcements to choose a question topic related to this week’s content.
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 2 Assignment
HIV National Curriculum – Antiretroviral Therapy
Instructions to Join National HIV Curriculum Group
Please review the following instructions: Instructions to Join National HIV Curriculum Group
The National HIV Curriculum project is a funded grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). It is the goal of the National HIV Curriculum to provide ongoing, up-to-date information on HIV prevention, screening, diagnosis, ongoing treatment, and care to healthcare providers.
Students will be assigned a specific group code by their instructor to join their designated group. When you receive the group code, please use the instructions posted in the course to register on the National HIV curriculum website and use the group code to join your assigned group.
Please complete the three topics listed below, including the quizzes, and upload your certificate of completion into the Canvas course. Each topic overview and module require approximately 60 minutes to complete.
Complete the topics below from Module 3 each one is worth 30 points for a total of 90 points.
Lesson 1: Antiretroviral Medications and Initial Therapy
Lesson 2: Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Medications
Lesson 3: Drug Interactions with Antiretroviral Medications
The Self-Study Modules should be completed and not the Question Bank as seen in the image:
The Self-Study Modules should be completed and not the Question Bank
You will receive credit for Self-Study Modules completed for the Lessons listed as required. You will not receive credit for Question Banks completed regardless of topic/lesson completed as they appear on the HIV Curriculum Transcript or Certificate you submit.
You will receive credit for Self-Study Modules completed for the Lessons listed as required
CE (CNE and CME) Certificates
Free CME credit and CNE contact hours are offered throughout this site. Pharmacology CE for advanced practice nurses is also available for many of the activities.
Professional Credit for HIV Self Study Modules
You can earn CNE credit for each module in this set. To apply for continuing education credit:
read the topic overview,
complete the activities,
correctly answer 80% of the CE questions on the quiz,
select either CME or CNE (depending upon your discipline and the certificate you wish to receive),
complete and submit the evaluation form,
print your certificate.
When you “print” your certificate, you can select “Print to PDF” to save it to the computer for upload to the assignment drop box.
continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Notice;
Advanced practice nurses, nurses, and other disciplines: The number of contact hours to be awarded, including those that qualify for pharmacology CE for advanced practice nurses, is noted in each lesson.
Students can work ahead on the assigned self-study modules at their own pace. All modules are to be completed and certificates of completion uploaded in Canvas by Sunday at 11:59 PM at the end of Week 2.
For issues submitting your assignment to Canvas or any other Canvas related issue, please contact Chamberlain IT Help Desk. Please contact Dr. Mindy Thompson at for any technical issues experienced accessing the HIV Curriculum or trouble using your group add code provided in your course announcements. Do not send your assignment submission to Dr. Thompson for any reason.
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 5 Assignment
National STD Curriculum
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize the student with the National STD Curriculum and current treatment guidelines. The University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center has developed a National STD Curriculum, funded by?the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020). The curriculum offers freely available self-study modules addressing epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management, and prevention of STDs.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Select appropriate medications according to patient presentation and unique patient factors. (POs 1, 2)
CO 2: Analyze factors pertinent to making the most effective drug selection for a client with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting. (POs 1, 2)
CO 3: Analyze client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses and side effects to drug therapy. (POs 1, 2)
CO 4: Write appropriate prescriptions according to evidence-based practice guidelines. (POs 1, 2)
CO 6: Analyze whether pharmacologic therapy is appropriate for individual patients. (POs 1, 2)
Preparing the Assignment
This week, you will complete six self-study modules for course credit. These modules will help prepare you to address the rising STD crisis. Complete the six self-study modules below and the CE quiz for each module. A certificate of completion will be generated upon completion of each CE quiz. Upload the six certificates of completion into the Week 5 Gradebook in the course.
Log in to (Links to an external site.) using the same login information created in Week 2 for the HIV Modules. There is no group to join and no access code is needed.
Complete the following self-study modules and print/save your certificate of completion:
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) – Genital
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Professional Credit for CDC Modules
You can earn CNE credit for each module in this set. To apply for continuing education credit:
Read the topic overview.
Complete the activities.
Correctly answer 80% of the CE questions on the quiz.
Select either CME or CNE (depending upon your discipline and the certificate you wish to receive).
Complete and submit the evaluation form.
Print your certificate of completion.
When you “print” your certificate, you can tell it to “Print to PDF” to save it to the computer for upload to the assignment dropbox.
The number of contact hours to be awarded, including those that qualify for pharmacology CE for advanced practice nurses, is noted in each lesson.
You can choose CNE or CE.
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 7 Assignment
Management of Psychiatric Conditions in Primary Care
The purpose of this assignment is to promote prudent and safe care of behavioral health conditions in the primary care setting. This assignment allows students to explore the various influencers of treating behavioral health concerns in the primary care setting while providing ethical care and safeguarding themselves legally.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Select appropriate medications according to patient presentation and unique patient factors. (POs 1, 2)
CO 2: Analyze factors pertinent to making the most effective drug selection for a client with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting. (POs 1, 2)
CO 3: Analyze client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses and side effects to drug therapy. (POs 1, 2)
CO 4: Write appropriate prescriptions according to evidence-based practice guidelines. (POs 1, 2)
CO 5: Identify legal, and ethical issues related to pharmacological management of the patient and family. (POs 1, 2)
CO 6: Analyze whether pharmacologic therapy is appropriate for individual patients. (POs 1, 2)
General instructions
Create a presentation of your choice. Use PowToon, Kaltura, Prezi, infographic, or another medium aside from a written paper.
NOTE: If your recorded voice is part of the presentation, a transcript is required.
Videos should not exceed 10 minutes.
Include in-text citations, in current APA format, within the presentation itself.
Provide references, in current APA format, that match the in-text citations within the presentation.
References should be professional sources and no more than 5 years old.
Create a patient scenario for the behavioral health issue that corresponds with the first initial of your last name in the table below. This information was also provided in the Week 5 announcement made by faculty.
Behavioral Health Diagnosis First Initial of Last Name
Depression A I Q Y
Bipolar Disease B J R Z
General Anxiety Disorder C K S
Social Anxiety Disorder D L T
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder E M U
Panic Disorder F N V
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder G O W
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder H P X
Include the following sections:
Patient chief complaint
History of present illness
Social history
Family medical history
Past medical history
Medications currently taken
Include specific drug names (not drug class), dose, frequency
Medications you will prescribe to address current situation.
If you are unable to prescribe anything for the current situation, explain why and what the plan will be to address the issue/symptoms.
3. State and Federal Regulations
Identify the state where you live.
Identify what your state laws say about prescribing behavioral health drugs without being certified and/or credentialed as a psych-mental health NP.
How does the Affordable Care Act affect behavioral health care?
How do these factors impact the patient in the scenario you provided?
4. Community Resources
Provide information on how you would know if the patient you create needs support beyond what you can provide as a primary care NP.
Identify community resources available in your area to refer patients in need of assistance before they can establish care with a primary mental health provider.
Identify the facilities in your area where you would send a patient in need of urgent assessment and intervention.
Identify resources in your area that are available to patients who may not be able to afford behavioral health care.
5. Legal & Ethical Considerations
Identify potential legal issues that could arise from how you do or do not choose to treat this patient.
Identify potential ethical issues that could arise from how you do or do not choose to treat this patient.
What follow-up is needed for your patient?
What do you need to do as a primary care provider to mitigate potential risks in providing care for behavioral health concerns?
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 8 Assignment
Course Reflection
The purpose of this assignment is to support the self-reflection and professional formation of the future nurse practitioner. Self-reflection allows for examination on the attainment of course and program outcomes.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Select appropriate medications according to patient presentation and unique patient factors. (POs 1, 2)
CO 2: Analyze factors pertinent to making the most effective drug selection for a client with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting. (POs 1, 2)
CO 3: Analyze client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses and side effects to drug therapy. (POs 1, 2)
CO 4: Write appropriate prescriptions according to evidence-based practice guidelines. (POs 1, 2)
CO 5: Identify legal, and ethical issues related to pharmacological management of the patient and family. (POs 1, 2)
CO 6: Analyze whether pharmacologic therapy is appropriate for individual patients. (POs 1, 2)
Preparing the Assignment
In a Word document, answer the following questions and submit to the assignment dropbox.
Answer all six questions to receive full credit.
Provide the question along with your response.
Citations and references are not required for this assignment.
How have your attitudes changed about selecting appropriate medications based on patient presentation and unique patient factors?
How confident do you feel about selecting an appropriate pharmaceutical agent for a patient with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more confident?
How has your understanding changed about determining the therapeutic effects, adverse responses, and side effects of drug therapy?
Reflect on your preparedness to write appropriate prescriptions according to evidence-based practice guidelines. What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more prepared?
How do you feel about your ability to identify and respond to legal and ethical issues related to safe prescribing practices? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more prepared?
Reflect on your preparedness to determine whether pharmacologic therapy is appropriate for an individual patient? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more prepared?
NR566 Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family
Week 1 Quiz
Question 1I understand the value of doing my own work and learning the skills needed to support my future independent practice as a nurse practitioner. I understand that while there may be opportunities beyond my faculty’s control for me to collaborate or share answers with peers, that it would not benefit my own personal and professional growth to do so. I agree to do my own work and take personal responsibility for my learning.
I do
I do not
Question 2Which patients being treated with a penicillin are at high risk for toxicity? (Select all that apply)
renal impaired
acutely ill
very young
very old
active hepatitis
Question 3Which patients should penicillins be used with extreme caution?
Patients with renal impairment, preexisting hearing impairment, and those receiving ototoxic and nephrotoxic drugs.
Patients with a history of severe allergic reactions to cephalosporins, or carbapenems.
Patients with QT prolongation.
Patients using valproate to control seizures.
Question 4What baseline data is needed to prescribe trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole? (Select all that apply)
Establish an infection appropriate for this drug class exists
Complete blood count with white cell differential for prolonged therapy
Hepatic function if there is concern in may be compromised
Renal function if there is concern in may be compromised
Question 5What is the likely causative agent for acute otitis media?
Staphylococcus Aureus
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pyogenes
Question 6Which medication requires patient education to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight?
Question 7Which drug class is contraindicated for UTI in the third trimester of pregnancy and in older adults with decreased renal function?
Question 8Acute otitis externa presents with what symptoms that differentiates it from otitis media to determine diagnosis and treatment? (Select all that apply)
Rapid-onset ear pain that include pruritis.
Tenderness associated with manipulation of the external ear.
Edema or erythema of the external auditory canal.
No tenderness associated with manipulation of the external ear.
Question 9In patients with a creatinine clearance of 15-30 mL/min taking Bactrim, how should the dosing be adjusted?
Reduced by 50%
Reduced by 25%
Increased by 50%
Increased by 25%
Question 10Which antibiotic class is most likely to be given to someone with otitis media if there are no contraindications?
Question 11If a patient is taking Bactrim and their creatinine clearance falls below 15 mL/min, what should the provider do?
Have patient continue the medication until it is complete.
It depends on how many doses the patient has taken.
Stop the drug immediately.
List the drug as an allergy and instruct the patient to stop taking it immediately.
Question 12Match the recommended treatment for UTI according to the assigned textbook for this course.
Use each option only once by selecting the option that is most true.
Ampicillin and gentamycin
Methenamine hippurate
Methenamine mandelate
Short-term Fluoroquinolones
Question 13Which antimicrobial agents do the most to facilitate the emergence of antimicrobial resistance according to your textbook?
All antimicrobial drugs
Narrow-spectrum antimicrobials
Broad-spectrum antimicrobials
Question 14Using your textbook, match the antibiotic class to the patient care concern for children/adolescents.
Use each option only once by selecting the option that is most true.
Commonly used to treat bacterial infections, including otitis media and gonococcal and pneumococcal infections.
Common drug used to treat bacterial infections.
Should not be used in children younger than 8 years because they may cause permanent discoloration of the teeth.
Safe for use against bacterial infections but not commonly used in outpatient settings.
Question 15Which antibiotic drug class is generally not expected to cause adverse effects in breastfed infants?
Question 16Which antibiotic requires the following monitoring? CBC in patients with symptoms of blood disorders, CD4+ counts in patients with HIV and potassium 4 days after starting treatment in patients with possible hyperkalemia
Question 17Trimethoprim should be avoided in patients with which deficiency?
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Question 18Which representative antibiotics are bacteriostatic inhibitors of protein synthesis as listed in your course textbook? (Select all that apply)
Question 19Which UTI drug can cause permanent lung damage?
Question 20Using your textbook, match the antibiotic class to the patient care concern for infants.
Use each option only once by selecting the option that is most true.
Third-generation drugs are used to treat bacterial infections in neonates as well as infants.
Used safely in infants with bacterial infections, including syphilis, meningitis, and group A streptococcus.
Approved to treat bacterial infections in infants younger than 8 days. Dosing is based on weight and length of gestation.
Used in infants younger than 2 months can cause kernicterus, a potentially fatal condition.
Question 21Which antibiotic does the course textbook recommend for treating a UTI in breastfeeding women?
Ampicillin and Gentamycin
Methenamine Hippurate
Methenamine Mandelate
Short-term Fluoroquinolones
Question 22Which representative antibiotics are inhibitors of cell wall synthesis as listed in your course textbook? (Select all that apply)
Question 23Which antibiotic drug class listed is known for all drugs within the class promoting the development of a Clostridioidies difficile infection?
Question 24 Using your textbook, match the antibiotic class to the patient care concern for pregnant persons.
Use each option only once by selecting the option that is most true.
All appear to be safe for use in pregnancy
Although there are no well-controlled studies in pregnant women, evidence we do have suggests there is no se
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