NR531 2022 June Complete Course Latest (Full)
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations

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Week 1 Discussion
Organizational Structures
Discuss the organizational structure that you, as the nurse administrator for SLMC, believe would be most appropriate. Use a specific organizational theory to support your decision and discuss how this structure may impact the organization’s outcomes.
There is no word count for threaded discussions and there is only one discussion per week. This is different from what you are used to in your core courses. Please see discussion guidelines and rubric below.
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 2 Discussion
Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators
You are the nurse administrator at SLMC. Your Human Resources Director informed you that SLMC is having difficulty recruiting registered nurses for your facility. It was decided by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to hire more nursing assistants to assist during this shortage. Discuss the impact this new strategy/model may have on the organization and how an effective leader can assist with implementing this change.
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 3 Discussion
Shared Governance and the Magnet Model
Describe the nursing care delivery model used at your current or previous employer. Would you utilize this model at SLMC? Discuss current interprofessional collaboration and how you would encourage collaborative efforts. Does the model support the person-centred nursing framework by McCormack and McCance (2017)? Explain your rationale for choosing to use or not use the person-centred nursing framework.
Please refer back to the 2017 PCNF overview presented below.
Patient-Centered Care: A Person-Centred Care Model Revisited
Caring continues to be a central concept in nursing; however, the context for caring is transforming, resulting in conceptual and theoretical advancements related to the evolving healthcare practice settings. McCormack and McCance originally developed a Person-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework in 2006 and updated it in 2010 that can be applied to practice in complex healthcare systems (McCormack & McCance, 2006; McCormack & McCance, 2017). The PCN Framework provides a standard of care for practice and is a multidimensional process that places emphasis on the person as the center of care delivery (McCance, McCormack, & Dewing, 2011). The PCN Framework fosters outcomes related to therapeutic relationships through respecting individuals as persons and partners in care. The Person-Centred Care Nursing Framework consists of four constructs: prerequisites, the care environment, person-centred processes, and outcomes (McCance et al., 2011). To deliver effective care, one must work from the outer circle first to the core. McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2017)Prerequisites focus on the attributes of the nurses and include being professionally competent, having developed interpersonal skills, being committed to the job, being able to demonstrate clarity of beliefs and values, and knowing self. The care environment focuses on the context in which care is delivered and includes appropriate skill mix, systems that facilitate shared decision making, effective staff relationships, organizational systems that are supportive, the sharing of power, the potential for innovation and risk taking, and the physical environment. Person-centred processes focus on delivering care through a range of activities and include working with a patient’s beliefs and values to overcome this gap between the concept and the reality of person-centred care we have developed the Person-Centred Nursing Framework…engagement, having sympathetic presence, sharing decision making, and providing holistic care. Outcomes, the central component of the Framework, are the results of effective, person-centred nursing and include: satisfaction with care, involvement in care, feeling of well-being, and creating a therapeutic environment. (McCance, McCormack, & Dewing, 2011).
NR531 PCCN model jpg
McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2017)
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 4 Discussion
Vision and the Organizational Structure
As the nurse executive, discuss your vision that you would like to implement for the organizational structure at SLMC. Share your rationale. How would you incorporate aspects of the person-centred nursing framework into your vision? Using motivational theory, discuss your strategies, as the nurse executive, for creating a motivating climate and atmosphere that supports a more positive work environment.
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 5 Discussion
Management of Influence, Power, Conflict, and Decision Making
As the nurse executive at SLMC, you are trying to increase communication and empower decision making among your team members. In the past, it has been difficult for some of the various shift workers to attend scheduled, mandatory meetings that involve Magnet™ designation preparation. Share your specific strategies (examples) for enhancing communication and empowering all members of your team.
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 6 Discussion
As the nurse administrator for SLMC, you must communicate to your team the disappointing news that your organization is discontinuing tuition reimbursement benefits. Discuss how you will communicate this message to your direct reports and to the rest of the organization. Be specific and state your rationale for your communication plan.
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 7 Discussion
Quality Management and Control
Zanderville Healthcare Systems, a regional, acute care facility in the foothills of the Appalachians is committed to delivering quality healthcare to its local and neighboring communities. The population it serves is diverse by gender and ethnicity. The primary payer for healthcare services is CMS. Over the past six months the acute care facility has experienced a 25 % increase in readmissions from this payer group within the first 30 days of discharge. The economic impact on the health system has been negative and patients’ satisfaction with their hospital experience has declined. Senior leadership has charged you, the nurse executive, to convene an ad-hoc task force to perform an outcomes audit and propose an intervention. Currently patients receive a follow-up telephone call about 7 days following discharge. You decide to use an evidence-based practice approach and have the following information for the “working” PICOT:
P: CMS patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge
I: What will we do differently to impact the improved outcome
(State what this is)
C: Follow-up phone call 7 days after discharge
O: Reduce readmission rate of CMS patients from ____ to ____…..
T: Over next six months
If this were happening in your organization, discuss:
Whom will you include in your task force?
What outcomes measures will you audit?
Where will you obtain the data to determine your baseline and goal regarding the percentage of readmissions within 30 days of discharge?
What specific outcome do you want to achieve?
What standard or benchmark will you use for the outcome? What does your organization use as a benchmark for readmissions within 30 days of discharge?
Describe the intervention you will use to achieve your goal?
Then, restate the completed PICOT using the information you have collected related to the intervention and outcomes.
*For a review of writing PICOT, see the following example. There is also an instructional webinar in the Course Announcements: CGE Prep Academy Part II: PICOT*
PICOT Writing Review
Sunnybrook Health System has started the process for acquiring Magnet status. They have scheduled multiple planning and process meetings over the next year that require attendance of all staff. Staff must attend at least 70% of the meetings live. After three meetings, live attendance of night shift staff has been about 5%. There is concern that with the small amount of interest shown from this group, the benchmark of 70% for live attendance may be jeopardized. Currently, the meeting schedule is communicated to all staff via email and posted announcements. Suzie thinks an incentive of a free meal for live attendance might improve attendance of the night shift crew.
How could a PICOT be developed with this information?
P = Population – Describes the group upon which the intervention will have an effect.
Ex: night shift staff
I = Intervention – What we want to do that is different from what we currently do; the thing that is going
to impact the population identified
Ex. coupons for a free meal in the cafeteria
C = Comparison – Here the comparison is a before and after the intervention (incentive in this case)
Ex: communication of scheduled meetings via email and posted announcements
O = Outcome – What we want to see happen as a result of the intervention. The outcome should meet three criteria: direction (increase, decrease, etc), a baseline, and a goal.
Ex: increased mandatory meeting live attendance from 5% to 50%
T = Timing or Timeframe – When we expect to see the outcomes.
Ex: over the next 4 meetings
Now you can create the PICOT:
Among night shift staff(P), will offering a coupon for a free meal in the cafeteria(I), as opposed to only email invitations and posted announcements(C), increase mandatory meeting live attendance from 5% to 50% (O) over the next 4 meetings(T)?
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 8 Discussion
What specific knowledge of the healthcare environment and leadership skills that you gained through this experience will be most important as you take on your future nurse-executive role? Describe a concrete way in which you anticipate using these skills and knowledge.
How will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide and evaluate your final MSN practicum project?
Please review the American Nursing Credentialing Center (ANCC) nurse executive competencies (refer to the Week 1 lesson) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) Nursing Administration Standards of Professional Performance (refer to the Week 7 required reading: Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins). Share how these will influence you as a nurse leader.
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 3 Assignment
Models of Excellence Paper
The purpose of this assignment is to apply an evidence-based framework of excellence to the organizational structure of a healthcare system that promotes quality and excellence of healthcare delivery.
NR531 Week 3 Models of Excellence Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Outcomes
The assignment provides the opportunity for participating in scholarly inquiry and communication and achieving the following course outcomes:
CO 3: Compare and contrast the effect of organizational structures, e.g. organizational charts, standards, philosophy, procedures, and culture on work processes and organizational and patient outcomes; utilizing critical thinking, communication skills and therapeutic intervention strategies of the professional role. (PO 2)
CO 4: Apply the use of research in the evaluation of healthcare outcomes; utilizing critical thinking skills, and research strategies. (PO 2)
Case Scenario
Westbrook is a medium sized metropolitan area that provides healthcare services to a broad demographic ranging from infants to geriatrics. Existing healthcare delivery systems include a robust acute care regional hospital, community home health/transition agencies, and long term/skilled nursing facilities. These facilities are maintaining quality patient outcomes at their benchmarks. However, over the past five years there has been a downward trend in patient and employee satisfaction scores. The systems have experienced loss of staff due to predictable attrition (retirement and other life events) and have been unable to recruit high quality staff to the agencies.
As the nurse executive, you know that a positive work environment is key to improving employee satisfaction and recruitment of quality staff. In addition, a happy, well-motivated staff will deliver quality care which leads to positive patient outcomes and satisfaction. You have determined that creating this environment is what is needed to achieve these goals and you will lead the way.
For this assignment, you will apply a framework that will lead the organization in developing a positive work environment to address the deficiencies the system is experiencing.
You will choose one of the healthcare delivery systems(settings) listed in the scenario for which you are the chief nursing officer (CNO)
Acute care regional hospital
Community/home health transition facility
Long-term/skilled nursing facility
You will decide which framework, either Pathway to Excellence or Shared Governance Model you will apply to lead the facility toward its goal of promoting excellence and quality in the care they deliver. Links to foundational information for these two models are:
Pathway to Excellence: (Links to an external site.)
Shared Governance Model: (Links to an external site.)
In the paper you will provide an overview of the chosen framework and rationale for using it in the chosen setting, fully apply two of its components to the setting, describe the impact of the framework on nursing at the setting, and suggest strategies you will use to engage the staff and leadership in the process.
Use the following format outline/template for your paper to complete your assignment. Bold-type is used here for emphasis only. Follow the guidelines for use of bold-type and headings using the most current edition of the APA manual.
Introduction (centered, no heading)
Statement of paper’s purpose
Identify the chosen setting and the framework you will apply to it
Summary of what will be covered in the paper
Pathway to Excellence or Shared Governance Model (centered, with heading)
Overview of the framework’s components
Rationale for choosing framework for the setting chosen.
Two components of the framework clearly explicated and applied
Impact of chosen framework or model on nursing (centered, with heading)
Describe at least two specific examples with expected outcomes of the framework’s impact on nursing
Engagement of staff and leadership (centered, with heading)
At least one specific strategy for engaging staff in applying the components chosen
At least one specific strategy for engaging leadership in applying the components chosen
Conclusion (centered, with heading)
A restatement of the paper’s purpose
A summary of what was covered in the paper.
A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources, no older than 5 years must be used for the paper. These should be relevant to nursing and should represent the majority of evidence provided in the paper. Other sources, such as textbooks, may be used in addition to these; however, they will not be counted as part of the scholarly source requirement.
The paper should contain all elements required under the guidelines and provided by the outline.
The outline provided should be followed for organizing the paper. Only level one headings are required. Remember, the introduction does not have a heading.
A maximum of four (4) pages, excluding title and reference pages, is required.
Microsoft (MS) Word is required for completing the assignment per Chamberlain policy. The paper should be written in third person, active voice. Refer to “Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers in Graduate Programs” found in the Student Resources Central of the course.
The assignment is graded on quality of written communication using standard English grammar, sentence structure, use of scholarly evidence, and organization based on the required components. Quality is also measured by completeness of required content elements of the assignment
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 5 Assignment
Management of Power Paper
Organizational structure in healthcare is a system that denotes how activities are carried out within an organization to achieve the goals of an organization. It defines lines of authority, scope of responsibilities, roles, how decision-making occurs and who makes them, and how communication flows within it. Inherent in these structures is the concept of how power is wielded and managed. In addition, certain leadership styles align with some structures better than others. How effectively these styles are used is related to how power is wielded and managed by within the styles. Recognizing and understanding these relationships helps the nurse leader to navigate and communicate within the organization more successfully.
The purpose of this assignment is twofold and includes (1) an exploration of the concept of management of power within organizational structures and the leadership styles used within them (CO 2,3); and (2) an opportunity to engage in scholarly inquiry through inclusion of empirical, scholarly evidence that supports the paper’s content (CO 4).
NR531 W5 Management of Power Guidelines and Rubric
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
(CO 2) Synthesize management and leadership theories with a caring, holistic, collaborative approach in preparation of nurse administrator roles; utilizing critical thinking, communication skills and therapeutic intervention strategies, of the professional role related to health outcomes. (POs 2, 5)
(CO 3) Compare and contrast the effect of organizational structures, e.g. organizational charts, standards, resources, philosophy, procedures, and culture on work processes and organizational and patient outcomes; utilizing critical thinking, interprofessional collaboration, communication skills and strategies of the professional role. (POs 1, 2)
(CO 4) Apply the use of research in the evaluation of healthcare outcomes; utilizing critical thinking skills, and interprofessional research strategies. (PO 4)
Case Scenario
Holyfield Healthcare Systems and Jonesville Regional Hospital, each with different organizational structures are merging. The senior leadership, of which you are a part, must decide on the overarching organizational structure that will be used for the newly formed healthcare system. This will impact the distribution of power that includes lines of authority, chain of command, and how operations will be carried out. Before the new structure can be adopted, a thorough exploration of the two existing structures, with attention paid to how power is distributed and wielded, must occur. In addition, leadership styles and their impact on power management within each organization will be explored.
Overview of Organizational Power: For this assignment you will begin by providing an overview of the types of organizational power, how power effects the health of an organization, and the impact of power on the work environment.
Organizational Structures and Power: From the four major organizational structures, Line, Matrix, Service-Line, and Flat, you will identify which one is currently used at each of the two healthcare systems (Holyfield and Jonesville). Then you will compare the characteristics of the two organizational structures*. The comparison will include a description of how power is distributed, managed, and wielded within each of the organizational structures. Then you will select one of the two structures to use at the newly merged system and provide substantive, evidence-based rationale for your choice. *Shared governance and the Magnet Model are not considered organizational structures for this assignment.
Leadership Styles and Power: Of the five major leadership styles**; authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire, situational/contingency, and interactional; choose one used at each of the existing healthcare systems (Holyfield and Jonesville) and describe its characteristics. You will discuss how each leadership style is supported by the organizational structure chosen earlier for that system. As part of the discussion, you will include how power is distributed, managed, and wielded by each style. Finally, you will discuss your preference for the leadership style that is supported by your chosen organizational structure and provide evidence-based rationale for your choice. **Transformational and transactional leadership are broad types of leadership within which several of the styles fit. Your focus is to be on the styles, not the two broad types.
Use the following format outline/template to complete your assignment. Bold type used here is for emphasis only. Follow the most current edition of the APA manual guidelines for headings.
Introduction (no heading)
Statement of paper’s purpose
Overview of paper’s content
Overview of Power within Organizations (heading, centered)
Types of organizational power
Impact of power on health of organization
Impact of power on work environment
Organizational Structure and Power (heading, centered)
Identify, compare, and contrast two organizational structures of the scenario facilities
Describe how power in distributed, managed, and wielded within each structure
Preferred organizational structure (of the two) for merged system with evidence-based rationale
Leadership Styles and Power (heading, centered)
Compare two leadership styles supported by and used within the structures of the scenario facilities
How is power distributed, managed, and wielded by the two leadership styles within the preferred structure described
Preferred leadership style (of the two) for the merged system with evidence-based rationale
Conclusion (heading, centered)
Recap of paper’s purpose
Summary of what was covered
A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources, no older than 5 years must be used for the paper. These should be relevant to nursing and should represent the majority of evidence provided in the paper. Other sources, such as textbooks, may be used in addition to these; however, they will not be counted as part of the scholarly source requirement.
The paper should contain all elements required under the guidelines and provided by the outline.
The outline provided should be followed for organizing the paper. Only level one headings are required. Remember, the introduction does not have a heading.
A maximum of four (4) pages, excluding title and reference pages, is required.
Microsoft (MS) Word is required for completing the assignment per Chamberlain policy. The paper should be written in third person, active voice. Refer to “Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers in Graduate Programs” found in the Student Resources Central of the course.
The assignment is graded on quality of written communication using standard English grammar, sentence structure, use of scholarly evidence, and organization based on the required components. Quality is also measured by completeness of required content elements of the assignment
NR531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Week 7 Assignment
Executive Summary
NR531 W7 Executive Summary Guidelines and Rubric
One of the most important skills for a nurse executive to have is the ability to write an executive summary. An executive summary is a concise, yet thorough accounting, of a larger report or proposal for change. For example, when an institution has an accreditation visit, there are many criteria that must be met. Therefore, the report received from the accreditors will be lengthy. The stakeholders, i. e., higher level leaders, will need to be given a report that contains key areas of concern, the impact of the issue on organizational operations and the quality of health care delivery, what is proposed for correcting the issue and the organizational impact of the intervention. The executive summary is based on the evidence found in the report and other factors.
The purposes of this assignment are to: a) develop an executive summary of a major report based on a given scenario (CO 2, 3, 5), and b) engage in scholarly inquiry and communication (CO 4)
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
(CO2) Synthesize management and leadership theories with a caring, holistic, collaborative approach in preparation of nurse administrator roles: utilizing critical thinking, communication skills and therapeutic intervention strategies, of the professional role related to health outcomes. (POs 2, 5).
(CO3) Compare and contrast the effect of organizational structures, e.g. organizational charts, standards, resources, philosophy, procedures, and culture on work processes and organizational and patient outcomes; utilizing critical thinking, interprofessional collaboration, communication skills and strategies of the professional role. (POs 1, 2)
(CO4) Apply the use of research in the evaluation of healthcare outcomes; utilizing critical thinking skills, and interprofessional research strategies. (PO 4)
(CO5) Examine effective verbal and written communication; utilizing communication skills of the professional role to promote and improve quality and safety in healthcare. (POs 1, 2, 5)
Preparing the Paper
For this assignment, you will need to become familiar with the components of the ANCC MagnetT model. The link to the model is found below. (Links to an external site.)
Case Scenario
As the chief quality and safety officer, you have been leading the initiative for the healthcare system to obtain MagnetT status from the American Nurses Credentialling Center (ANCC). The facility applied, was visited, and has received the report. The report identifies a deficiency (or deficiencies) in one of the Five Magnet Model* components. A solution must be implemented that shows improvement in the area within the next six months at which time another visit will be scheduled.
For this assignment, you will create an executive summary of the report addressed to the board of directors of the healthcare facility. You will choose a Force of Magnetism within one of the MagnetT model components for your focus. The executive summary will include all the following: (1) a description of one of the five Magnet components within which a deficiency (or deficiencies) exists, (2) the specific “Force of Magnetism” that is deficient, (3) the criterion used by the examiners to the indicate the deficiency and the evidence/metric used, (4) an analysis of their findings and possible solutions to resolve the issue, and (5) the impact of the deficiency and recommended solutions on the organization.
The Five Magnet Model Components* are listed below. Choose one of these upon which to focus your assignment. The link to the ANCC website where these components are described is provided at the beginning of the assignment. Within each component the “Forces of Magnetism” are listed. The description of how these are measured, or the evidence examined to determine compliance, are also generally described on the web page. Choose one of the Forces to explore more deeply and describe how your facility was deficient. From this you will be able to propose two potential solutions to address the deficiency found by the examiners. In your description of criteria/findings you will need to identify the specific criteria used and the evidence of the deficiency.
Magnet Model Components:
Transformational Leadership
Force # 1: Quality of Nursing Leadership
Force # 3: Management Style
Structural Empowerment
Force # 2: Organizational Structure
Force # 4: Personnel Policies and Programs
Force # 10: Community and Healthcare Organization
Force # 12: Image of Nursing
Force # 14: Professional Development
Exemplary Professional Practice
Force # 5: Professional Models of Care
Force # 8: Consultation and Resources
Force # 9: Autonomy
Force # 11: Nurses as Teachers
Force # 13: Interdisciplinary Relationships
New Knowledge, Innovations & Improvements
Force # 7: Quality Improvement
Empirical Quality Results
Force # 6: Quality of Care
Use the following template to complete your assignment. This is the outline of headings that you should follow for the paper. Remember, there is no heading for the introduction. It is shown here only to indicate an introduction to the paper is required. The bold type used here is for emphasis only. Follow the most current edition of the APA manual guidelines for using bold font for headings. The information in the italics indicates the content for the section and does not require a separate heading.
Introduction (to the assignment) (centered, NO HEADING)
Includes statement of assignment’s purpose, general explanation of an executive summary, overview of paper’s components)
Executive Summary (centered, heading)
Purpose (flush left margin, heading)
Reason for Executive Summary of the ANCC Magnet Report
Overview of what will be covered in the summary
Background (flush left margin, heading)
Context and personal credentialling
Model component and Force of Magnetism deficiencies specified
Impact of deficiency on organizational outcomes specified
Potential impact of deficiency on patient and staff outcomes
Criteria/Findings (flush left margin, heading)
Criteria or metrics used by evaluators specified
Deficiency(ies) specifically described
Report Analysis (flush left margin, heading)
Analysis of the metrics/findings
Two (2) possible solutions to address deficiencies identified
Recommendations (flush left margin, heading)
Preferred recommended solution with substantive rationale
Requirements of organization to implement (time, money, partnerships)
Impact of solution and its implementation to the organization
Conclusion (of the assignment) (centered, heading)
Recap of paper’s purpose
Summary of what was accomplished
A minimum
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