NR513 2022 March Assignments Latest (No Week 7 Assignment)
NR513 Professional Role Enhancement

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Module 2 Assignment
Time Management Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to use effective strategies to manage time as a professional nurse and online student.
A printed version of these assignment guidelines is available below.
NR513 Module 2 Assignment Time Management Assignment Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Learning Outcome
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcome:
CO 2: Discuss effective leadership, communication, and collaboration strategies to promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice. (POs 1 and 2)
Assignment Overview
This assignment was developed to assist with the importance of developing a time management plan. Please review the instructions below as it guides you point by point on proper completion of this assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: You must use the linked time management template on the assignment page in Canvas in order to complete this assignment.
*PLEASE NOTE: According to the current edition of the APA manual, a running head is no longer an APA requirement. Please disregard the reference a running head requirement in the below video and transcript.
Assignment Instructions
Carefully read these guidelines and grading rubric.
Download the required Time Management Assignment Template (Links to an external site.). Rename that document as Your Last Name Time Management Plan.docx. Save it to your own computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your assignment directly on the saved document.
You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at the MS Office 365 website (Links to an external site.). Enter your email address and follow the instructions provided by Microsoft. Remember that only Microsoft Word 2010 or a later version is acceptable. The document must be saved as a .docx. Save your work frequently as you type to prevent loss of your work.
As you prepare your Time Management Plan, consider your own life. When do you work, sleep, and spend time with family and friends? How will the addition of online coursework impact your time management?
Complete the Time Management Plan with your schedule for a future course week. Be sure to consider all of the activities that you will do during that week. Don’t wait until the due date to begin your work!
Be sure to answer all of the questions in addition to completing the grid.
View the Integrity Matters Module in its entirety in your course and complete as well as review the Integrity Matters module in your Co-Create Space.
When your Time Management Plan assignment is completed, save and close the completed template. Enter the course, click on Modules, go to the Module 2 Time Management Plan Assignment page, and click the Submit button to upload your file.
Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper, rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Module 7 at 11:59 p.m. (You cannot revise your graduate-level writing style for a higher grade in that category)
NR513 Professional Role Enhancement
Module 3 Assignment
Scholarly Paper – Phase 1
The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate good organization, appropriate resources, and correct APA formatting for preparing a scholarly paper. This assignment also supports the importance of the communication and collaboration process both disciplinary and interdisciplinary.
A printed version of these assignment guidelines is available below.
NR513 Module 3 Scholarly Paper – Phase 1 Assignment Guidelines and Rubric Download NR513 Module 3 Scholarly Paper – Phase 1 Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
Course Learning Outcome
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcome:
CO 2: Discuss effective leadership, communication, and collaboration strategies to promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice. (POs 1 and 2)
Assignment Overview
This assignment was developed to assist the student with navigating Turnitin and formatting according to APA. This is Phase 1 of a two phase process to strengthen your scholarly writing. This part of the assignment will require you to complete the Phase 1 Template, located on the Canvas assignment page, based on information obtained from the assigned article from the Chamberlain Library. Please review the instructions below as it guides you point by point on proper completion of phase 1 of this assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: You must use the template, located on the Canvas assignment page and obtain the article through Chamberlain Library in order to complete this assignment.
*PLEASE NOTE: According to the current edition of the APA manual, a running head is no longer an APA requirement. Please disregard the reference a running head requirement in the below video and transcript.
Assignment Instructions
Carefully read these instructions and the Rubric.
Locate the Scholarly Paper Phase 1 Template (Links to an external site.) located on the Canvas assignment page. Use of the assigned template is required. Rename that document as Your Last Name Scholarly Paper Phase 1.docx, for example Smith Scholarly Paper Phase 1. Save it to your own computer or drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later.
You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at the MS Office 365 website (Links to an external site.). Enter your email address and follow the instructions provided by Microsoft. Remember that only Microsoft Word 2010 or a later version is acceptable. The document must be saved as a .docx. Save your work frequently as you type to prevent loss of your work.
The only resource for your paper is the following assigned article: Article link (Links to an external site.)
Note: Logging in to the Chamberlain Library is needed to access this article. Use of the assigned article is required. You must click on the PDF Full Text link on the upper left portion of the page to download the correct version of this required article.
Follow the instructions and specifics on the assigned required template and the rubric. You will demonstrate your scholarly writing abilities as well as APA abilities in references, citations, quotations, and paraphrasing.
See rubric for length limitations for each section and other criteria.
Information below explains how to complete the Article Summary section of the paper (see Rubric for details).
Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article using 175-200 words.
Content must include main ideas from across the entire article.
Specifics should be excellent.
Content must be attributed to the correct source.
For the Impact section (see rubric for details)
clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice;
length must be 125-150 words;
writing must be concise and clearly relate the assigned article contents to practice; and
use first person in this section.
Double check your work with the rubric prior to submission.
Note: Assigned Template must be used for this assignment. The Assigned Template has been specially prepared to help you do well on this assignment. See #2 above.
Note: Assigned Article must be used for this assignment. Failure to do so may result in loss of points and/or Academic Integrity violation investigation.
Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper, rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Module 7 at 11:59 p.m. (You cannot revise your graduate-level writing style for a higher grade in that category)
NR513 Professional Role Enhancement
Module 5 Assignment
Scholarly Paper – Phase 2
The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate good organization, appropriate resources, and correct APA formatting for preparing a scholarly paper. This assignment will also discuss the importance of quality and safety concepts in the delivery of nursing care.
A printed version of these assignment guidelines is available below.
NR513 Module 5 Scholarly Paper – Phase 2 Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO 2: Discuss effective leadership, communication, and collaboration strategies to promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice. (POs 1 and 2)
CO 3: Plans for professional role development as baccalaureate-prepared nurse to provide cost-effective, quality care. (POs 1, 2, and 3)
CO 5: Describes the roles of evidence-based practice and informatics in professional nursing care. (PO 5)
Assignment Overview
This assignment was developed to assist the student with navigating Turnitin and formatting according to APA. This is Phase 2 of the two phase process which requires review of a different article to strengthen scholary writing. This part of the assignment will require you to complete the Phase 2 Template, located on the Canvas assignment page, based on information obtained from the assigned article that you will obtain from the Chamberlain Library. Please review the instructions below as it guides you point by point on proper completion of Phase 2 of this assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: You must use the Template 2 located on the Canvas assignment page and obtain the article through Chamberlain Library in order to complete this assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: The Phase 1 Assignment allowed for students to obtain the article through an attached permalink whereas the Phase 2 Assignment requires the student to obtain the article through an actual search via the Chamberlain library.
*PLEASE NOTE: According to the current edition of the APA manual, a running head is no longer an APA requirement. Please disregard the reference a running head requirement in the below video and transcript.
Assignment Instructions
Carefully read these instructions and the Rubric.
Use of the assigned template (Links to an external site.), located on the Canvas assignment page, is required. Rename that document as Your Last Name Scholarly Paper Phase 1.docx, for example Smith Scholarly Paper Phase 2. Save it to your own computer or drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later.
Type your assignment directly on the saved template using Microsoft Word. The document must be saved as a .docx. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.
Go to the Chamberlain University Library (Links to an external site.). Search the library for the article titled “Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Implementation: Is it Sustainable?” written by Cooper in 2017. It was published in Nurse Educator.
(Links to an external site.)Note: Logging in to the Chamberlain Library is needed to access this article. Use of the assigned article is required. You must click on the PDF Full Text link on the upper left portion of the page to download the correct version of this required article.
Follow the instructions and specifics on the assigned required template and the rubric. You will demonstrate your scholarly writing abilities as well as APA abilities in references, citations, quotations, and paraphrasing.
See rubric for length limitations for each section and other criteria.
For the Introduction section (see rubric for details),
introduce the assigned paper topic;
explain that the purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the assigned article;
explain that that the impact of the article contents on your own future practice will be included; and
length must be 50-75 words.
For the Article Summary section (see rubric for details),
clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article using 175-200 words;
content must include main ideas from across the entire article;
specifics should be excellent;
content must be attributed to the correct source; and
instructor feedback from module 3 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 must be used to revise and improve this section.
For the Impact section,
clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice;
length must be 125-150 words;
writing must be concise and clearly relate the assigned article contents to practice;
use first person in this section; and
instructor feedback from module 3 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 must be used to revise and improve this section.
For the Conclusion,
write a concise summary of main points of the paper;
provide a concluding statement; and
length must be 75-100 words.
Double check your work with the rubric prior to submission.
Note: Assigned Template must be used for this assignment. The Assigned Template has been specially prepared to help you do well on this assignment. See #2 above.
Note: Assigned Article must be used for this assignment. Failure to do so may result in loss of points and/or Academic Integrity violation investigation
Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper, rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Week 7 at 11:59pm. (You cannot revise your graduate-level writing style for a higher grade in that category)
NR513 Professional Role Enhancement
Module 7 Assignment
Ethical Reflection
In the profession of nursing we are faced with ethical challenges on a daily basis. These challenges can impact quality patient care and create moral challenges for the nurse delivering care. For this assignment please locate a current research based article that addresses a current ethical challenge in practice or research. Also, feel free to discuss a current ethical dilemma within your own healthcare organization.
Please Note: If choosing an ethical dilemma within your organization you are still required to support this presentation with current literature.
A printed version of these instructions is available below.
NR513 Module 7 Ethical Reflection Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Learning Outcome
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcome:
CO4: Applies legal, ethical, and nursing standards to systems-based nursing practice. (PO 6)
Assignment Overview
For this assignment please locate a current research based article that addresses a current ethical challenge in practice or research. Also, feel free to discuss a current ethical dilemma within your own healthcare organization.
Please Note: if choosing an ethical dilemma within your organization you are still required to support this presentation with current literature. Please create a PowerPoint presentation addressing the following criteria:
Ethical issue of concern in professional practice
Which of the ethical principles are impacted based upon this issue
How is the ethical issue impacting current practice or healthcare in general
How does current evidence propose the ethical issue be addressed
Reflection of greatest learning and future use in practice
For example, a violation of patient rights via unsafe nursing to patient ratios or in research studies.
*PLEASE NOTE: According to the current edition of the APA manual, a running head is no longer an APA requirement. Please disregard the reference a running head requirement in the below video and transcript.
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create the presentation.
Each slide (excluding title and reference slides) must include detailed speaker notes.
The purpose of the speaker notes is to expand upon the idea and document facts and information about the bulleted information points on the slide.
Formal, scholarly writing style with complete sentence and paragraph structure should be used to create the speaker notes.
Scholarly literature support should be integrated within the speaker notes.
Speaker notes assure that all assignment expectations and key points are covered.
Within the speaker notes, the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
First person may be used for this scholarly assignment.
Citation and referencing of sources must be congruent with guidelines noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
Slides are professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font utilized. Correct spelling and appropriate use of graphics/images is evident.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper, rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Module 7 at 11:59 p.m. (You cannot revise your graduate-level writing style for a higher grade in that category)
Explanation & Answer
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